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  • Roastmaster's Select Club: Nicaragua UCA Miraflor

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Nicaragua UCA Miraflor

    Once a month, members of the Roastmaster’s Select Coffee Club have the opportunity to sample unique micro-lot coffees from around the world. “What is a micro lot,” you ask? Read up on how we source the beans and what happens when they reach our roastery.

    Following the harvest cycle, Roastmaster’s Club Members have exclusive access to these one-of-a-kind coffees at their peak freshness, and now it’s your turn!

    Coffee Grown in Nicaragua

    The UCA Miraflor Cooperative Union was founded with the goals of developing human capital and sustainably managing natural resources in the region. Comprised of 12 member cooperatives, UCA Miraflor focuses on agricultural production, marketing crops like coffee and mushrooms, and offering ecotourism services.
    The cooperatives strive to protect the environment while maintaining democratic and sustainable organizational structures. They were first established in 1979 during Nicaragua's Sandinista revolution, which overthrew the oppressive Somoza dictatorship that had exploited the country for decades. In the revolutionary period, the Contras launched deadly attacks against soldiers, peasants, and civilians alike. Several cooperatives today still honor the "Heroes and Martyrs" who gave their lives. The Union itself was founded in 1990.
    One of UCA Miraflor's greatest achievements has been developing human capital through education initiatives for youth and women's empowerment. Environmental awareness has grown across communities, and gender relations are transforming. Four exclusively women's cooperatives were established during this time.
    Ecotourism has more recently fueled new growth, allowing communities to benefit from environmental protection work while recognizing women entrepreneurs who offer accommodations. Youth also gain income as tourist guides, improving their English and experiencing cultural exchanges.
    By buying UCA Miraflor coffee, you directly support small-scale farmers - many of them women - who have access to education, healthcare and a living wage through their cooperative. Your purchase also helps fund community programs like youth leadership initiatives and ecotourism ventures that promote cultural exchange.

    Altitude: 1000 – 1400 meters

    Processing: Fully washed & sun dried

    Region: Miraflor Moropotente,Estelí, Nicaragua

    Varietal: Catuai, Caturra, and Catimor


    Roastmaster's Select Club: Nicaragua UCA Miraflor

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  • January Single Origin Club: Ethiopia Natural

    Single Origin Club: Ethiopia Natural

    What is a Single Origin coffee? Simply put, these coffees are defined by the place they come from.

    Single Origin coffees are from a specific farm or group of farms that make up small cooperatives. You’ll find that most of our Single Origin coffees are light roasted.

    This month we're sharing our Ethiopia Natural coffee grown by the Halo Bariti Cooperative and light-roasted here at Thanksgiving Coffee in Fort Bragg, CA.

    Ethiopia Natural Coffee Grown by the Halo Bariti Cooperative

    Located in the southern portion of the Gedeo Zone in Ethiopia, sits Gedeb, a prime location for cultivating coffee. Depending on the altitude at which coffee is grown (and other factors), different flavor profiles will reveal themselves. This fine Ethiopian coffee is cultivated at a very high altitude of 1,600-2,300 meters, with an abundance of sunshine, and no frost in the morning. This climate helps produce incredibly flavorful coffee beans with a hint of spice, and fruity, floral notes.

    The Halo Bariti Cooperative was founded in 2012, formerly part of the WORKA Co-op. The coffee farms are tended to by over 250 families in this remote region of Ethiopia. When you buy our coffee, you know you're supporting hard-working coffee farmers all over the planet.

    Altitude: 1,600-2,300 meters

    Processing: Sun-dried Natural

    Cooperative: Halo Bariti

    Varietal: Indigenous heirloom varietals


    Not ready to join the Single Origin Club? Make a one-time purchase of our Ethiopia Natural light roast coffee.

    January Single Origin Club: Ethiopia Natural

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  • Earning Beans For Coffee Rewards
    coffee discount

    Earning Beans For Coffee Rewards

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  • How Thanksgiving Got Its Name

    How Thanksgiving Got Its Name

    The Name Was Not Created, It Was Given.

    In retrospect, it might have been a moment in time when the word needed to be spoken out loud and attached to something physical. I explain it as a moment in the evolutionary naming process sprinkled with a dose of spirituality.

    In the beginning there was a piece of wood

    Growing up in a lower middle class neighborhood in the Bronx, my family did not celebrate the Thanksgiving Day holiday with a big feast. My first impactful encounter with the Thanksgiving holiday was at the traditional Thanksgiving day football rivalry between Cornell University and University of Pennsylvania. The year was 1959, my senior year at Cornell. My brother and I traveled to Pennsylvania to be at the game. I have no recollection of the game itself, including which team won the game. But after the game, at the final buzzer, my brother and I rushed out of the stands with thousands of other fans to fight for peace of the goalpost which was a tradition back then. With thousands of fans fighting for the crossbar, it was an amazing thrill to be running like a crazy person out of the stadium with a 3 foot piece of the 4 x 4 crossbar under my arm, my brother running at my side. When I left New York City a decade later I loaded it into my '46 Mack truck and headed west. That piece of wood  traveled with me and to this day it remains housed in the Mack truck that helped me escape from Greenwich Village to Aspen Colorado a decade later. It remains in the truck, now parked at my home in Mendocino, California.  

    Cornell vs Penn NCAA Thanksgiving Day Football Game Program 1959

    Paul's 1946 Mack Truck

    Arriving in Aspen without a clue

    Upon arriving in Aspen Colorado in the fall of 1969, I set out to find a job. Not being successful in finding one, and with winter coming on, I did some good panic thinking. It was my first experience with small-town rural living and I still had a Greenwich Village New York city state of mind, so it was just a small leap to consider the possibility of opening a coffeehouse. So I began my search for space. I found the basement at 420 Hyman St., rented it, and began to visualize it how it should look as Aspens first and only coffeehouse. Should it look like the Fat Black Pussycat or the Hip Bagel or should it be more European /Middle Eastern in style like to Café Figaro ? I rented the place for $200 a month and began.

    Aspen 1970

    The first miracle

    One early morning an old friend from "the village" back in New York city walked down the steps to my partially finished basement Coffee House. I was sanding a tabletop. Now this fellow, Bob Horn, holds a special place in my heart, and in the serendipity in the name, that was eventually given to the unnamed basement we were both standing in. Bob was my first roommate back in 1961 when I moved for my ancestral home in the Bronx to 66 W. 10th St. in Greenwich Village. We were friends for the entire decade of the 60's and in 1969 when I headed my Mack truck West over the George Washington Bridge towards the Rocky Mountains, he was the only friend I could not find to say goodbye to before I left New York City. It was something that bothered me all the way to my final destination, Aspen Colorado. But when good intentions are deep and honest Providence will step in to help. So I'll redirect this story for a moment to the actual time my Mack truck pulled into Aspen on that first fall afternoon in September. My mind was set on locating the closest gas station. I needed to find water for my dog Panda and some for my trucks radiator. We had just come over Independence Pass. That old truck struggled to get over that 14,000 foot hill, and it too was thirsty.

    Aspen Coffee House 1969

    I helped Panda out of the truck and set out a bowl for water. I noticed another person with the dog heading for the same water at the pump. I looked up and as he got closer I could see it was my dear friend Bob Horn with his dog Daisy. We both arrived in Aspen with our dogs and our trucks at the same time, neither of us is knowing the other was heading for the same place. Providence? What was the meaning of this miracle I thought ? I would soon find out.


    Finding Out

    A couple of months later Bob walked into my almost finished coffee house to see me working on the table and asked," What are you going call this place?”  I looked up from the rough tabletop and without missing a beat I said," I'm going to call this place Thanksgiving. It was a spontaneous response. It just came out in sort of, a burp. Now I don't really know how such things happen. Were higher powers waiting for the moment when they could act to bring "the word" into the world as a name of a coffee house, and they deemed me worthy? Bob smiled, said he would see me later and left me to my tabletop sanding.

    Later that day

    Bob reappeared as I was finishing up, getting ready to go home and said he had gone to the library to search for the word Thanksgiving as it might appear in the Bible, if at all. He said he found the word Thanksgiving in the New Testament. He had located it by using a book called "The Concordance." The word was located in 1 Timothy 4.

    "All things that are God-given should be received with thanksgiving”.

    The phrase ring true to me and with that kind of support, plus the preceding miracle of my friend Bob arriving in Aspen at the same moment I did, and heading for the same place as I, both of us wanting to get water for our dogs, I stuck with "the word’ and it became "the name”.

    We are not claiming it was a religious naming, but more a spiritual naming. We are happy to bring this uplifting word into every day use, into the light, so to speak, for all to feel the power of the word and the lift it gives when spoken into the world. It is the nicest word in the English language. We hope you enjoy seeing it and starting your morning with Thanksgiving.

    Paul Katzeff, Co-founder of Thanksgiving Coffee Company.

    Our History

    How Thanksgiving Got Its Name

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  • Roastmaster's Select Club: Finca Agroberlin

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Colombian Coffee

    Once a month, members of the Roastmaster’s Select Coffee Club have the opportunity to sample unique micro-lot coffees from around the world. “What is a micro lot,” you ask? Read up on how we source the beans and what happens when they reach our roastery.

    Following the harvest cycle, Roastmaster’s Club Members have exclusive access to these one-of-a-kind coffees at their peak freshness, and now it’s your turn!

    Colombian Coffee From Finca Agroberlin

    Have you ever heard of La Cabaña estate in Colombia? Let me tell you, the coffee grown here is pure magic in a cup.
    Nestled high in the lush green Santa Marta mountains, just a short drive from the sunny beach town of Santa Marta, you'll find La Cabaña. It's a beautiful family-run farm that's been lovingly tended for over 20 years by the Delgado family. In person, you'd be amazed by the snow-capped Andes towering over the valley below.
    What makes La Cabaña coffee so special though is how it's grown. Under a leafy canopy of native trees, the coffee cherries are nurtured by the birds and butterflies that call this place home. It's no wonder the coffee has certifications for being both Rainforest Alliance approved and bird-friendly!
    The Delgados use only the highest quality, sustainably-grown beans from their 136 acres of land. Then they use natural, organic methods to slowly sun-dry the beans to perfection. The result is a cup of coffee with bright, complex flavors and a silky smooth finish that'll have you coming back for more.
    I know if you try La Cabaña, you'll be hooked just like me. One sip of this magical Colombian coffee, and I guarantee your morning will be off to a fantastic start. What do you say - want to give it a try?

    Altitude: 1100 - 1300 masl

    Processing: Fully washed and dried inside solar dryers that provide protection from the rain

    Farmer: Agroberlin Farm

    Varietal: Typica, Caturra, and Castillo

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Finca Agroberlin

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  • December Single Origin Club: Miel de Cajamarca

    Single Origin Club: Coffee from Peru

    What is a Single Origin coffee? Simply put, these coffees are defined by the place they come from.

    Single Origin coffees are from a specific farm or group of farms that make up small cooperatives. You’ll find that most of our Single Origin coffees are light roasted.

    This month we're sharing our Miel de Cajamarca coffee grown in Peru by CENFROCAFE and light-roasted here at Thanksgiving Coffee in Fort Bragg, CA.

    Miel de Cajamarca Coffee from Peru

    The province of Cajamarca has long been the backbone of Peru’s economy due to its vast mineral wealth. Unfortunately, these days, modern mining techniques despoil the earth and surrounding rivers and forests. The cultivation of high quality organic coffee has become the key to Cajamarca’s economic and environmental sustainability, and the farmers of CENFROCAFE are leaders in this effort.

    The members of CENFROCAFE carefully pick ripe cherries, depulp, ferment, wash and dry their coffee on their small farms ranging in size from one to three acres. The result is a finely crafted coffee with hints of honey, papaya, and milk chocolate complimented by a soft citric acidity.


    Altitude: 1,700 – 2,000 meters

    Processing: Wet / Washed

    Cooperative: CENFROCAFE

    Varietal: Caturra, Typica, Yellow Catui

    Not ready to join the Single Origin Club? Make a one-time purchase of our Miel de Cajamarca Light Roast coffee.

    From the Roastery

    December Single Origin Club: Miel de Cajamarca

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  • San Francisco Coffee Festival 2023

    San Francisco Coffee Festival 2023

    Big Golden Ballon Sing of SF Coffee Festival hanging above the convention center with people milling around all the booths below

    Once again, we participated in this year's San Francisco Coffee Festival at Fort Mason on the shores of the San Francisco Bay. This incredible event nearly doubled in size to just over 10,000 attendees over 2 days. We served about 6000 samples and had a phenomenal response.

    Two Happy Participants from SF Coffee Festival 2023

    Two Happy Participants from SF Coffee Festival 2023

    The total immersion of a French press develops a depth of flavor with which a pour over just can't compete.

    Joe Seta putting out samples with CEO Jonah Katzeff .  Josh Long brewing the coffee in back.

    Joe Seta putting out samples with CEO Jonah Katzeff . Josh Long brewing the coffee in back.

    We chose to serve coffees in a variety of roast spectrums: two of our Lights Roasts: Ethiopian Natural process, and Ethiopian washed process; a Guatemalan Dark roast, The Upsetter espresso, and our Royal Decaf coffees (see links below). Except for the espresso and a batch of cold brew Ethiopian natural, we brewed everything else via French Press which made us compete very well against our competitors who were making their coffee in pour overs. Our preference is the ESPRO French Press with its multiple filter layers. The total immersion of a French press develops a depth of flavor with which a pour over just can't compete. We got great feedback on all our coffees – even the Decaf because we were the only presenter that offered one… and ours tastes as full-flavored as any other coffee.

    Our Festival Team

    the team prepared for a festival of serving and sharing coffee Jennifer Brown, Josh Long, Jonah Katzeff, Nathan Nies

    left to right: Josh Long, Jennifer Brown, Jonah Katzeff, Nathan Niel

    Our festival team included our CEO, Jonah, our cofounder Paul, Josh Long (Roaster), Nathan Nies (barista/Sales Representative), Jennifer Brown (Office Manager) and me. Our stylized baseball jerseys were Jennifer's idea and boy did they make our team look good. The jersey colors worked very well with our branded canopy and really helped make a cohesive statement visually.

    We participate in this annual public event to help expand our brand presence in the Bay Area where we are represented but not nearly to the extent as many of the local competitors. It is very safe to say that a lot more of the Bay Area is now familiar with our name, our story, and the flavor of our coffee after this wonderful event.

    the team prepared for a festival of serving and sharing coffee Joe Seta, Josh Long, Jonah Katzeff, Nathan Nies

    left to right: Joe Seta, Josh Long, Jonah Katzeff, Nathan Nies

    Man pouring espresso shot

    Nathan Nies pulling one of the many many espresso shots

    Paul Katzeff sampling coffee with a man in a gray hoody with yellow, orange red and blue stipes at SF Coffee fest.

    left to right: Paul Katzeff, SF Coffee Participant

    Try the coffees we servered at the SF Coffee Fest!

    Gray Cups stacked up at SF Coffee Fest:

    Cups at SF Coffee Fest: "Coffee - Africa's Gift to the World - You're Welcome"


    San Francisco Coffee Festival 2023

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  • Roastmaster's Select Club: Kenya Nyeri Mahiga

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Kenya Nyeri Mahiga

    Once a month, members of the Roastmaster’s Select Coffee Club have the opportunity to sample unique micro-lot coffees from around the world. “What is a micro lot,” you ask? Read up on how we source the beans and what happens when they reach our roastery.

    Following the harvest cycle, Roastmaster’s Club Members have exclusive access to these one-of-a-kind coffees at their peak freshness, and now it’s your turn!

    Nyeri Mahiga Coffee from Kenya

    Situated between Mt. Kenya and the Aberdare Ranges, is Othaya, home to the Othaya Farmers Cooperative Society - with over 11,000 small-scale farmers, including Mahiga Wet Mill. Mahiga Wet Mill is located in Rukira Village along the Mumwe River (originating from the Aberdare Mountains), which is used to pulp the coffee cherries. Their main harvesting season runs from October to December.

    Well-drained, red volcanic soils that are rich in phosphorus make for the ideal coffee-growing environment. The coffee is wet processed, fermented, washed and dried slowly over a 2- 3 week period where the moisture content is reduced to 10-12%. The coffee is then delivered to the dry mill (Othaya Coffee Mill). What should you expect? A full smooth body and positively-interacting tones of black currant, vanilla and nutty hints.

    Altitude: 1,400 - 1,800 meters

    Processing: Washed / Dried in
    Raised Beds

    Farmer: Othaya Farmers Co-op,
    Society Limited

    Varietal: SL 28

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Kenya Nyeri Mahiga

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  • November Single Origin Coffee Club: Organic Sumatra

    Single Origin Club: Coffee from Sumatra

    What is a Single Origin coffee? Simply put, these coffees are defined by the place they come from.

    Single Origin coffees are from a specific farm or group of farms that make up small cooperatives. You’ll find that most of our Single Origin coffees are light roasted.

    This month we're sharing our Sumatran coffee grown in Indonesia by the Garmindo Cooperative and medium-roasted here at Thanksgiving Coffee in Fort Bragg, CA.

    Organic Coffee from Sumatra

    Our Sumatran coffee was grown by members of the Garmindo Co-op, formerly known as ASKOGO. This cooperative currently has 760 members, growing Fairtrade and Organic coffee in the Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah regencies of Sumatra which are renowned for producing excellent coffee. The small farms are tucked into the dense tropical forests of the Northern Gayo Mountains, from 1000 to 1500 meters above sea level.

    The Garmindo Cooperative offers regular training activities to each of the farmers in their co-op, in order to improve the quality of their coffees, learn new harvest techniques, and implement more beneficial farming practices. This group was founded in 2008, and has continually improved their coffee in the subsequent years. We have been purchasing coffee from Garmindo Cooperative since 2015.

    Altitude: 1,000-1,500 meters

    Processing: Wet Hulled

    Farmer: Garmindo Cooperative

    Varietal: Catimor

    Not ready to join the Single Origin Club? Make a one-time purchase of our Organic Sumatra Medium Roast coffee.

    From the Roastery

    November Single Origin Coffee Club: Organic Sumatra

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  • Coffee and Mold; Mycotoxins and More

    Coffee and Mold; Mycotoxins and More

    “Rest assured that specialty coffees such as ours are the safest bet when trying to avoid these toxins. The selection and processing are incredibly well controlled thus eliminating the potential for these molds to be incurred.” Jacob Long- Roast Master and Director of Coffee at Thanksgiving Coffee Company

    The more we evolve, the more we understand how every choice we make ripples out and affects all aspects of our life. So when choosing your coffee you want to know what’s in it, or in this case more importantly what’s not in it.  

    Let’s look at what coffee mold and mycotoxins are and how to avoid them.

    First - What is a mycotoxin?

    Mycotoxin is defined as any toxic substance produced by a fungus. Mold is a multicellular fungus that signals spoilage due to decay. The mold metabolites, the result of mold’s metabolism process, are called mycotoxins. The mold in coffee typically includes the mycotoxins ochratoxin A and aflatoxin B1.

    Do all coffees have mycotoxins?

    Based on this study, 45% of coffee beans commercially sold contained Ochratoxin A.

    According to this study over 50% of green coffee beans contained Aflatoxin. These toxins can cause poisoning when you ingest too much of them. So yes, trace amounts of mycotoxins have been found in coffee beans, but the amounts are far below safety limits and too low to be of practical significance.

    The health effects these mycotoxins can have on our overall toxic burden are worth taking note of, especially if you choose low-end, instant coffee, which has been shown to have the highest mold contents. Dr. Jill Carnahan puts it very well by saying:

    "In my opinion, toxin burden is THE biggest cause of declining health and accelerated aging today, so you might want to care anyway. The thing about toxin burden is it’s all about how it adds up within your body. Sure, there might be just a little mold in your coffee but add that to the 84,000 chemicals you’re exposed to each day and you’ve got a big problem. It’s up to you to decide where and how you’ll reduce your chemical burden – but one thing is for sure, we all need to work to reduce the amount of chemicals we’re exposed to.”

    Different Molds growing on Green coffee

    How to Avoid Mycotoxins In Your Coffee

    One of the best ways to avoid toxic overload from your coffee is to source high-quality, organic coffee beans. Soil health is very important to us at Thanksgiving Coffee, and we work with farmers who do not use synthetic chemicals, such as potentially harmful pesticides and fungicides that pollute the soil.

    The health of your coffee begins with how it is grown, how it is processed, stored, and ultimately how it is roasted.

    The best option for those with a high mold sensitivity is to choose a wet-processed coffee. This means that the coffee cherry has been washed off and then dried, with a smaller chance of mold potential.

    By the time the coffee beans have been roasted, the molds that produce the mycotoxins have all but been burned away. According to another study, roasting can reduce ochratoxin A levels by 69–96%.


    Health Benefits of Thanksgiving Coffee

    With one of the most robust and long-term supply chains within specialty coffee, Thanksgiving coffee works with the highest quality coffees in the world and you benefit from the health and flavor of this along our entire supply chain.

    When you drink Thanksgiving Coffee, you can enjoy all the benefits that good coffee contains including over 1000 bioactive components. Including one of the best sources of antioxidants for many people's diets.

    Alongside our farmers, co-ops, importers, and roasters we continue to implement and improve our coffee for the best health of the people and our planet. Still going strong and fuelled by our amazing coffee for over 50 years,  

    In an upside-down world – sometimes the only thing right side up is a good cup of coffee. Enjoy the Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidative, Antifungal, Antifibrotic, Anticancer, and Delicious taste of Thanksgiving Coffee. 

    Stay In Touch - We like to stay connected

    Lavender Grace is the Sustainability Consultant for Thanksgiving Coffee Company

    Coffee and Mold; Mycotoxins and More

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  • Goodbye -  End The Embargo

    End The Embargo Coffee

    Entering the 25th year of End The Embargo Coffee, we find the embargo on Cuba by our government still in place. However, it is now easy to obtain a Visa to travel to Cuba on your own or via the many Social Justice Non profits and Churches that lead mission driven or curated special interest trips to the island.

    Back in 1998 we teamed up with Global Exchange, a San Francisco-based nonprofit which was then, a leading proponent in favor of ending the US Cuba hostilities. Jonah Katzeff, now CEO of Thanksgiving Coffee, traveled to Cuba with Global Exchange in the late 90’s. I had complex motives for creating End the Embargo Coffee 25 years ago. My motives were not purely about Social Justice. I was a cigar judge at the time for Cigar Aficionado magazine, and I understood that the quality of Cuban cigars was based on its soil and climate as much as on the human skills that transformed fresh picked tobacco leaf and aged it, blended it, and rolled it into cigars for export. Coffee grown in Cuba I believed, would be as magnificent as their tobacco that were made into their fantastic cigars. I wanted that coffee! However, it was no secret that Thanksgiving Coffee was a supporter of the Nicaraguan revolution, and that I was a Sandinista at heart. I made many visits to Nicaragua in 1985, and in 1986 negotiated a contract to purchase 75,000 pounds of coffee for delivery to the SF/Oakland Bay Area).

    America was at war with Nicaragua using unhappy Nicaraguans as it's Mercenaries. Although it was a peoples revolution, almost immediately after the Nicaraguan newspapers reported my contract, President Reagan declared an Embargo on Nicaraguan imports which included my 75,000 pounds. I was caught in the middle of US Foreign Policy. What I did is another story which solidified me as the Premier Craft Coffee Radical in America. Spoiler alert, I challenged the Reagan embargo and broke the embargo. I learned allot from that experience and fifteen years later, it informed my decision to create End The Embargo Coffee.

    Coffee grown in Cuba I believed, would be as magnificent as their tobacco...

    I was inspired by my experiences in Nicaragua. I wanted to do my part for the coffee farmers, and agricultural workers in Cuba. I wanted to put my stake in the ground to be the first to bring Cuban coffee to the United States. When we created the packaging for in the embargo coffee the Pope had just visited Cuba. Daniel Ortega, President and one of the nine commandants of the Nicaraguan revolutionary army (FSLN) that defeated the Samosa Dictatorship in 1979, came to meet the Pope at the airport. The Pope was not a happy Pope in the moment, and pointed and accusatory finger at the President of Nicaragua as he reached to kiss the popes ring. A photo of that moment became a poster, which became an International memorial to the Revolution. I saw one in Rwanda in the home of a coffee farmer twenty years later. I couldn’t help myself. I used it for the dark roast graphic. Che was chosen for the light roast.


    It should be noted that the artist who created that likeness of Che was interviewed for an article in Business Week Magazine. He commented on the use of the image, disapproving of Seagram’s use of the image to sell vodka, but approved Thanksgiving Coffee’s use as the image representing coffee for End the Embargo. The week that publication hit the newsstands we sold 5,000 12 oz. packages.

    For many years afterwards, I received quite a number of nasty letters and phone threats from Cuban immigrants living in Miami, who had, in their words, escaped Cuba to find freedom in America. They weren’t poor Cubans, but the wealthy, who had prospered as part of the pre revolution economy. I carried on an interesting dialogue with the detractors of our of our anti-embargo activism. As the Cuban political situation mellowed over time, the threats and nasty accusations slowed to a trickle.


    Today, after quarter century of Che, and the Pope, being on grocery shelves, and in our online web store, we begin the process of ending our relationship with this revolutionary product line. Although the issue is still important, we just don’t have the staff to promote this product the way it needs to be promoted to achieve its educational aims. We have not changed our politics of inclusion and social justice, nor have we changed our opinion about whether or not the embargo should stand or fall. We believe that the Cuban embargo is an inappropriate way to achieve peace between nations. This embargo, as all embargoes do, impacts the poorest of the Cuban citizens. It does not impact wealthy Cubans in Cuba. Che and the Pope now, just sit patiently on store shelves looking out quietly as people pass by and choose other coffees that have a more current pressing social, environmental, and economic justice issues.

    After a quarter century the time to retire these iconic images is for us, now. If you wish to continue to support the Cuban Cuban people and wish to see the embargo on Cuban products ended, here is the original organization that we supported which you can also support by contributing your energy and and/or financial support. They do the work that we can no longer do.

    Global Exchange - Normalize Relations with Cuba

    Let’s say goodbye to End the Embargo Coffee until such time when Thanksgiving Coffee Company has the employee power to give this product is due. Cuban coffee never got to the United States but Thanksgiving’s Embargo Coffee package recently got to Cuba. Photographs below show Susan Savage of the Mendocino Coast Community Healthcare District delivering Che to one of her friends in Cuba in late January 2023

    End of Story

    Photographs show Susan Savage of the Mendocino Coast Community Healthcare District delivering End the Embargo Coffee to one of her friends in Cuba in late January 2023

    Paul Katzeff, is the Co-Founder, Roast Master Emeritis and former CEO of Thanksgiving Coffee Company.

    You will find all the same great flavor and taste of End the Embargo in our Noyo Harbor French

    Follow Along With Our Evolution

    Our Causes

    Goodbye - End The Embargo

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  • Roastmaster's Select Club: Daniel Mijane

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe

    Once a month, members of the Roastmaster’s Select Coffee Club have the opportunity to sample unique micro-lot coffees from around the world. “What is a micro lot,” you ask? Read up on how we source the beans and what happens when they reach our roastery.

    Following the harvest cycle, Roastmaster’s Club Members have exclusive access to these one-of-a-kind coffees at their peak freshness, and now it’s your turn!

    This month we're sharing coffee grown in Ethiopia by Daniel Mijane and light-roasted here at Thanksgiving Coffee in Fort Bragg, CA.

    Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Grown by Daniel Mijane

    This family-owned and run farm is located in the Gedeo zone of southern Ethiopia, a little over 2,000 meters above sea level. Situated between the hills of Halo Hartume, this humid area provides the ideal coffee-growing environment. The Mijane family is deeply involved with the local community of coffee farmers to make sure the coffee is shade-grown with proper organic composting efforts and maintaining the high quality flavors that Halo Hartume provides.

    Ato Mijane Worassa was the pioneer behind his family's investment in coffee culture. Now, his sons have grown up learning his techniques, not only in coffee farming but also learning how to manage the business. To carry on his legacy, one of Ato's sons began the Halo Hartume washing station. When you receive this coffee in the mail this month, know that you're supporting a long time family effort of some of the highest quality coffee beans grown in Ethiopia.

    Altitude: 1,900 - 2,100 meters

    Processing: Full natural and dried on raised beds

    Farmer: Daniel Mijane

    Region: Banko Gotiti, Gedeb - Ethiopia

    Varietals: Indigenous cultivars

    From the Roastery

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Daniel Mijane

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  • Winesong 2023 - Local Healthcare Benefit

    Winesong - Local Healthcare Benefit


    Winesong is a local fundraiser for our healthcare foundation, supporting the medical needs of the Mendocino Coast. We have been participating annually for at least 37 years because of the importance of healthcare in our rural area. The event takes place in the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens - 47 acres of extraordinary flora from Highway 1 right down to the sea.

    This is not a small event – dozens of wineries, restaurants, artists, and musicians come together to entertain the guests for several hours prior to the main event, which is a grand live auction. This year the goal was to raise $200,000 in the auction in 90 minutes. They did exactly that. This year’s Fund-a-Need targeted nursing education – to train and retain nurses in our area – which is one of the greatest needs we have.

    We have been participating annually for at least 37 years

    Thanksgiving had a new location for this year. We were inside the main auction tent, right in the heart of the action. We had tremendous exposure with our canopy displaying proudly during the auction. We expanded our offerings this year to include espresso drinks and cold brew, in addition to several varieties of drip coffee. The weather is always a factor, so the ability to pivot from hot to cold was very helpful.

    We fielded a great team and had a lot of fun representing our company for a great cause. It makes us feel better knowing that we are really contributing to our community while having such a wonderful time.

    Follow Our Trail of Commuinty Events


    Winesong 2023 - Local Healthcare Benefit

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  • Regenerative Business - A Consciousness Shift

    Regenerative Business - A Conscious Shift

    Doing Good in the World has always fueled Thanksgiving Coffee Company’s business, that is until we began our journey into a Regenerative Business Model (one that unlocks new levels of innovation, financial results, and customer loyalty while building human capacity to contribute). Through this emerging experience we have begun to untangling what “Good” actually means. We are learning to go beyond the “Do Good” paradigm and learn how to progress into a “Be Good” business.


    Thanksgiving Coffee Company has long been at the forefront of sustainability, and several years ago we developed the Bee Bold Alliance, a regenerative ecology network for pollinator protection. Although bees do not directly pollinate coffee, coffee yields are increased by up to 50% when bees are around. Pollinators are a keystone species on the Earth. This became a logical focal point for our sustainability both at home and in the coffee countries from origin. This whole systems model collaborates with our local allies to learn and grow in harmony with our environment and nature.


    During the alliance-building, it was a natural progression for Thanksgiving Coffee Company to develop a Regenerative Business Model and dive deep into an evolution for the company. Under the guidance of second generation CEO Jonah Katzeff, and our resource Heather Paulsen, we began Carol Sandford’s Regenerative Business Development course and are now in our second year with this work.

    The goal of a regenerative business is
    to be okay with constant changes, look at what is possible, and
    empower those around you to become their own expert.

    It is not a quick process, nothing about this is a quick fix because life is complicated. The planet is full of diverse ways of being, and thinking, and everyone and everything has different needs. We are learning that the goal of a regenerative business is to be okay with the constant changes, look at what is possible, and empower those around you to be their own expert in doing the same. This is no small task, yet one we are willing to develop and grow. Thanksgiving coffee is willing to find what makes our company indispensable and most importantly un-perturbable in the modern world of coffee.


    We are learning the importance of “Being Mindful”, and how the thoughts that circle and inhabit our minds become our actions. We are practicing how to “Be Self-aware”, and how the energies we each bring to the table and how we show up within each moment are tangible ways of evolving our thinking. Learning more about “Being Purposeful” in how we conduct our business and how Thanksgiving Coffee can improve your lives, and make it Better for you to Achieve Your Goals. This is what is real for us..

    The end results are still out. Will our company survive for another 50 years? Will our coffee continue to brighten your morning and support you through your life to make it better and improve our planet? Although we cannot foretell the future, we know that in this moment we are all working honestly to evolve our way of being. We envision a World full of health and happiness, full of nourishment, community, and well-being. With each bean we roast, with each farmer we purchase from, and with each family working here in our Roastery, we envision ourselves regenerating the planet for generations to come. Wouldn't that Be Good?

    Journey with us into our Evolution

    B corp

    Regenerative Business - A Consciousness Shift

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  • Roastmaster's Select Club: Finca de Alexa

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Finca de Alexa

    Once a month, members of the Roastmaster’s Select Coffee Club have the opportunity to sample unique micro-lot coffees from around the world. “What is a micro lot,” you ask? Read up on how we source the beans and what happens when they reach our roastery.

    Following the harvest cycle, Roastmaster’s Club Members have exclusive access to these one-of-a-kind coffees at their peak freshness, and now it’s your turn!

    This month we're sharing our Finca de Alexa coffee grown in Nicaragua by Alexa Marin of PRODECOOP and roasted here at Thanksgiving Coffee in Fort Bragg, CA.

    Finca de Alexa Coffee from Nicaragua

    Alexa Marin lives with her two sons in the mountains of Northern Nicaragua, near the border of Honduras, where they focus on growing the best coffee possible. She has been a coffee farmer for many years and has worked with the cooperative PRODECOOOP since 1992, currently serving as their gender equality coordinator.

    During a visit to Nicaragua in 2013, I had the opportunity to tour Alexa's farm. Above her coffee plants was an over-story of native trees and scattered here and there were decomposing into the soil which made me wonder what affect this could have on the flavor of the coffee cherries.

    Later that day, I traveled to the PRODECOOP tasting room to do a blind tasting of coffees from 17 different farms. One coffee really jumped out as overtly sweet and citric. Guess what? It happened to be from Alexa's farm!

    -Jacob Long, Thanksgiving Coffee Roastmaster


    Altitude: 1,500-1,700 Meters

    Processing: Wet/Washed

    Farmer: Finca de Alexa

    Region: Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua

    From the Roastery

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Finca de Alexa

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  • B Corp Re-Certification

    The Tradition Continues

    We Did it Again!

    We re-certified as a B Corp with a score of 107.3, over double the score of an ordinary business. The world of specialty coffee has changed so much since our humble beginnings, yet one constant has always been true for us, to use coffee as a medium for change.

    Our Co-Founder Paul Katzeff's early experience in Nicaragua showed us "why" it is so important to improve the lives of our coffee farmers and their communities. Over the years we have gotten better at the "how", and now our farmer's green coffee beans have grown into the award-winning roasted coffee beans that we share with you.

    All Round

    The initial certification was in 2015 with B Lab, the third-party certifier. Every three years we are up to re-certify with the latest version of the B Impact Assessment. Their rigorous certification process is evaluated on 5 aspects of our business; Governance, Workers, Community, Environment, and Customers. In essence, B Lab is helping us to ensure a high level of transparency so we can see how our ideals stack up with our actions.  


    Every year, B Lab recognizes the B Corps that have achieved the highest verified scores in the five impact areas evaluated on the B Impact Assessment. We are honored as Best For The World: Changemakers 2019 and Best For The World: Community from 2016 - 2018.

    Our team loves what they do, and we hope you love the mix of good beans, and good people, all doing good for our communities.


    We continue to learn as our business navigates our fifth decade of specialty coffee roasting. To get better and better, B Corp certification challenges us to align with our values and spotlight areas we want to improve on. One area of our focus is with you, our customers. Please reach out with your suggestions, and let us know what you want to see from us. We will do our best to show up for you. Our team loves what they do, and we hope you love the mix of good beans, and good people, all doing good for our communities. Thanksgiving Coffee continues to roast fine beans and bring you excellent coffee. Thank you for being part of our Thanksgiving Family - you matter to us.


    Lavender Grace is the Sustainable Ecology Consultant for Thanksgiving Coffee Company.


    B Corp Re-Certification

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  • August Roastmaster's Select: Santa Maria de Dota

    Roastmaster's Select Club: Coffee from Costa Rica

    Each month, our Roastmaster, Jacob Long, hand-picks fresh and unique micro lot coffees that we deliver straight to your doorstep. “What is a micro lot,” you ask? Read up on how we source the beans and what happens when they reach our roastery.

    Jacob’s selection this month is an eco-friendly coffee grown in Costa Rica.

    Join the Roastmaster’s Select Club to begin your coffee journey around the world.

    Coffee Grown in Costa Rica

    This month's coffee selection from our Roastmaster, Jacob Long, is not only delicious and awakening, it's also environmentally-friendly - which is very important to us. Our Costa Rican Santa Maria de Dota is grown by the Cooperativa de Caficultores de Dota R.L. (CoopeDota), established in 1960 and made up of over 900 farmers in the San José region.

    To emphasize their environmentally-conscious farming techniques, CoopeDota is one of the first to utilize a certified carbon-neutral mill with hydro-powered energy consumption, water efficient eco-pulpers and mechanical coffee dryers fueled by coffee parchment. If all of that wasn't impressive enough, CoopeDota also provides trash pickup for the entirity of San Jose, furthering their committment to a healthy environment and bettering of the planet.

    We're so thrilled to share this coffee with you! Remember to leave us a review and add a photo to earn more beans, for more discounts!

    Altitude: 1550 – 1950 meters

    Processing: Eco-pulped and dried inthe sun and mechanical driers

    Region: Dota, San José, Costa Rica

    Varietal: Catuai, Caturra

    From the Roastery

    August Roastmaster's Select: Santa Maria de Dota

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  • August Single Origin Coffee Club: Congo Kivu

    Single Origin Club: Congo Kivu

    What is a Single Origin coffee? Simply put, these coffees are defined by the place they come from.

    Single Origin coffees are from a specific farm or group of farms that make up small cooperatives. You’ll find that most of our Single Origin coffees are light roasted.

    This month we're sharing our Congo Kivu coffee grown on Lake Kivu, Congo by the SOPACDI Co-op and medium-roasted here at Thanksgiving Coffee in Fort Bragg, CA.

    Medium Roast Coffee from Congo

    Our Congo Kivu coffee is grown by the SOPACDI Co-op. (Solidarité Paysanne pour la Promotion des Actions Café et Développement Intégral) was created in 2002. This coffee co-op is located on Lake Kivu, straddling the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda.

    SOPACDI now has over 5,200 farmers, 20% of whom are women and is a leader in promoting gender equality and helps revitalize the country's coffee economy. SOPACDI is the very first certified Fairtrade co-op in the DRC and is the 2014 Sustainability Award Recipient from the Specialty Coffee Association of America.

    A loving review from one of our customers:

    "Just had my first cup of the Congo Medium Roast this morning! It's wonderful! I may not have the sophisticated words of a real coffee connoisseur, but it was rich and full and smooth! Totally enjoyable! You just want to have one cup after another! My previous coffee had been from a grocery store, and this was such a treat to savor!"
    -Margaret of PORTSMOUTH, Virginia.

    Altitude: 1,460- 2,000 meters

    Processing: Wet processed

    Farmer: SOPACDI

    Varietal: Bourbon

    Not ready to join the Single Origin Club? Make a one-time purchase of our Congo Kivu Medium Roast coffee.

    From the Roastery

    August Single Origin Coffee Club: Congo Kivu

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  • Roastmaster's Quarterly Coffee: Timor-Leste

    Our Quarterly Coffee Feature
    from Southeast Asia

    Timor-Leste from Southeast Asia

    Our Quarterly Roastmaster's Select coffee is wet-hulled, and we've talked about this a few times but just in case, here's what that means:

    "Wet hulling’s popularity can be attributed to producers’ need for prompt payments. It was also adopted specifically by many producers who lacked the drying infrastructure that was needed to shelter drying parchment from the high humidity and inconsistent rainfall typical in Sumatra. At higher elevations with constant humidity and unpredictable rainfall, drying can prove to be slow, risky and difficult." -Sucafina

    ‘Wet Hulling’ or ‘giling basah’ in Indonesian is not to be confused with wet processing. Wet hulling is similar to wet processing initially – with the first steps of picking and pulping the coffee beans, then fermenting in order to break down the fruity layer of the coffee cherry called the mucilage, which is washed off the next day. The difference is, the drying process is much shorter in wet-hulling and it’s only dried until 50% of the moisture remains, resulting in lower acidity levels and more flavor and aroma.

    Altitude: 1,000 to 1,900 meters

    Processing: Wet Hulled "giling basah"

    Farmer: A variety of small farms in Timor Leste

    Varietal: Catimor, Timor, Typica

    From the Roastery

    Roastmaster's Quarterly Coffee: Timor-Leste

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  • July Events 2023

    Summer of Fun

    July is only halfway done and yet the events are nonstop! Getting out amongst the world of coffee lovers gives us the best connection possible and exposure of our products to a wide range of audiences.

    We have been doing lots and lots of non-stop local (and not-so-local) events recently, including:


     An annual event at the Caspar Community Center that brings the community together with local vendors and music in celebration of Caspar, CA

    Bubbles, facepainting, kidzone at Caspar Fest with U'ilani Wesley

    The band La Onda

    Momma Grows funk, an eight piece funk band playing live performing in front of a dancing crowd outside in the sunshine

    The Redwood Coast Recreation Center

    Here we offered our coffee to support the center in Sea Ranch, CA

    "Your presence really added a nice touch and helped make it a successful event. We have gotten a LOT of positive feedback so we are hoping to repeat the event next summer!"

    Beth Roland

    B Local Bay Area

    This event was a group mixer for B Corps in San Francisco. As a certfied B Corp we enjoy meeting and working with our local chapter to learn about the good work and practices of our colleagues.

    The Chair of the Bay Area B Local Keira Murphy addresses the gathering, and a downtown view of Sales Force Tower in San Francisco

    Nathan Nies at the Thanksgiving Coffee station sharing our delicious coffee and story with our fellow B Corp community.

    The Mendocino Music Festival!

    We have been serving coffee as a sponsor of the Music Festival since it's humble beginnings in 1986.

    Festival Orchestra 1, with soloists Jessica Fellowes and Katie Kadarauch

    View from the Festival Tent

    Lavender Grace enjoying a cup of coffee at the Festival

    Coffee brings people together. We are happy to support our community to learn and grow and celebrate one another with great coffee.

    Stay tuned to all our Coffee Adventures

    July Events 2023

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  • The World’s Largest Salmon BBQ

    We Were There!

    A beautiful day of sunshine in Noyo Harbor with all the participants out enjoying themselves.

    Participants of the Salmon BBQ in the beautiful Noyo Harbor, CA

    The World’s Largest Salmon BBQ happened on 7/1, and again – Thanksgiving Coffee was there! This event brings together thousands of salmon lovers to raise money for salmon habitat restoration. The salmon fishery in California was closed this year – completely – in order to let the salmon population rebound, so everything that we can do to support increased spawning grounds will help the salmon, our local economy, and the entire ecosystem.

    The Thanksgiving Coffee Booth with signs and banners at the Salmon BBQ with the CEO, Jonah Katzeff out front. 

    Thanksgiving Coffee Booth at the Salmon BBQ with CEO, Jonah Katzeff (on right ) out front. 

    Our booth provided hot coffee (Mocha Java and Royal Decaf) and cold brew (Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Natural from the Gedeb region) in exchange for any donation to Salmon Restoration. We raised nearly $500 from donations alone. Our Office Manager, Jennifer, CEO Jonah, and co-founders Paul and Joan were on hand with Sales and Marketing Manager, Joe, to keep the coffee flowing for 8 hours.

    Jennifer Brown behind the Thanksgiving Coffee Booth under a canopy with large coffee pots.

    Jennifer Brown at Thanksgiving Coffee Booth at the Salmon BBQ

    All we can do to support increased spawning grounds will help the salmon,
    our local economy, and the entire ecosystem.

    We were not alone in this effort: fellow B Corps including North Coast Brewing Company and Harvest Market were on hand to donate, raise additional funds, and support the cause. The menu usually includes corn on the cob, but corn was in short supply this year, so Harvest Market was able to source organic new potatoes to supplant the menu.

    Young girl and Jennifer Bosma on right serving potatoes out of big bowls for the Salmon BBQ

    Jennifer Bosma on right, representing both Harvest Market and Rotary

    North Coast Brewing Company's CEO, Jennifer Owen, along with senior brewing staff serving a thirsty crowd at the World's Largest Salmon BBQ

    Dozens of volunteers helped pull this event together and make it run smoothly including Rotary International (with participation from both Fort Bragg and Mendocino chapters), California Conservation Corp., Mendocino Sheriff’s Department, Salmon Restoration Association, and the celebrity grill team including lots of local dignitaries including Fort Bragg’s Mayor, several County Commissioners, local business owners, and many, many more.

    A collage of all the Volunteers Serving up the food with smiles 

    Volunteers Serving up the food with smiles

    A guitarist, Bass player and Drummer in the band West of Nowhere playing live at the Salmon BBQ 

    "West of Nowhere" playing at the Salmon BBQ

    The event had a lively festival atmosphere with great weather, great vibes and lots of live music including West of Nowhere (pictured), Steven Bates Band, the Caspar Kings, Earl Oliver, and Deep Pockets who started the day off with some very danceable grooves. One of the highlights is the annual release of the supporting shirt… this year’s shirt slogan, “If you must smoke – smoke salmon.”

    Follow Stories of Restoration and More Fueled by Coffee


    The World’s Largest Salmon BBQ

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  • July Single Origin Club: Guatemala Guaya'b

    Single Origin Club: Guatemala Guaya'b

    What is a Single Origin coffee? Simply put, these coffees are defined by the place they come from.

    Single Origin coffees are from a specific farm or group of farms that make up small cooperatives. You’ll find that most of our Single Origin coffees are light roasted.

    This month we're sharing our Guaya'b coffee grown in Guatemala by the Guaya'b Cooperative and light-roasted here at Thanksgiving Coffee in Fort Bragg, CA.

    Guaya'b from Guatemala

    The farmers of the Guaya’b Cooperative grow coffee under a dense forest canopy that doubles as the winter home for dozens of species of migratory birds as well as local flora and fauna. It wasn’t always this way. 

    When coffee was introduced to this remote region 40 years ago, it was promoted as an alternative to subsistence agriculture, and farmers were taught to clear forests to make way for this new cash crop. Fortunately, these farmers are closely connected to the health of their land, and have re-established their once logged forests providing much needed shade and diverse ecosystems in which coffee thrives.

    Now, a new generation of farmers works to cultivate coffee and a variety of other cash and subsistence crops to increase incomes, and to protect the health of the land. Thanks to their partnership with our importer, Elan Organic Coffee, Guaya’b has perfected the art of picking, depulping and fermenting their coffee to produce deep, juicy, and full flavored coffee with a truly distinctive character.

    Altitude: 1,300-1,600 meters

    Processing: Wet/washed

    Farmer: Asosicacion Guaya’b Civil

    Varietal: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra

    In fact, the farmers’ coffee is so unique that they periodically run into trouble with ANACAFE, Guatemala’s national coffee marketing wing, which tries to subdue Guaya’b’s flair and replace it with a more generic cup profile produced by less-inventive processing methods.

    Not content to merely develop members’ coffee production, Guaya’b has a pilot organic honey project, which also helps to increase coffee yields thanks to improved pollination.

    Not ready to join the Single Origin Club? Make a one-time purchase of our Guatemala Guaya'b Light Roast coffee.

    From the Roastery

    July Single Origin Club: Guatemala Guaya'b

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  • Celebrate Women in Conservation

    World Female Ranger Week

    The first ever World Female Ranger Award winner Caren Yegon (Chags Photography)

    Original Post from Mara Elephant Project by Claire Bolles

    Protecting Elephants and Their Habitats Across the Greater Mara Ecosystem

    It is World Female Ranger Week, a time set aside to highlight the important conservation work undertaken by women on the frontline. The first ever World Female Ranger Award winner Caren Yegon just completed a month-long LEAD Ranger training at the Wildlife Works facility in Rukinga, Kenya. (Our cause coffee partner) The Mara Elephant Project  / Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Mau De-Snaring Unit lead ranger was joined by 13 rangers, which included nine women, from other conservation organizations for the Bush School Instructor course facilitated by both LEAD Ranger and special guest instructors.

    Caren will take the skills she learned and bring them back to educate other MEP rangers. Skills like making safe drinking water in the field, using various signals to communicate when you’re lost or need to be discreet, making shelter and fire with basic supplies, navigating in the field without technology and more.

    As we join other conservation organizations celebrating World Female Ranger Week, we continue our commitment to nurture a diverse and inclusive workforce thanks to your support.

    A special thanks to LEAD Ranger for their commitment to nature’s first responders and to How Many Elephants for supporting World Female Ranger Week to shine a light on women like Caren.

    You can send more Mara Elephant Project rangers like Caren for training in 2023, when you purchase Protect Our Elephants coffee. Support the MEP conservation heroes.

    Follow our Stories and More....

    Lavender Grace is the Sustainable Ecology Consultant for Thanksgiving Coffee Company .

    Our Causes

    Celebrate Women in Conservation

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  • Sierra Nevada World Music Festival 2023

    We Offered a Thriving Palace of Fine Coffee

    Back from hiatus, the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival returned, and Thanksgiving Coffee Company was there. Inside the field that is sometimes used for high school sports, rodeo, sheepdog trials, and beer festivals, we constructed a working coffee house and served well over two thousand drinks.

    Espresso, lattes, cold brew and many other delights kept the energy of the crowd right where it wanted to be. 75 lbs. of various coffees transformed an empty field into a thriving palace of fine coffee.

    The Waiting Room/ Cafe Beaujolais's Chef Julian Lopez behind the Espresso Booth at the SNWMF

    The booth came from TCC, but Chef Julian from the Waiting Room/Café Beaujolais brought his staff to operate it with great style and delicious offerings.

    “It was Spaz-iale!”

    The weather cooperated – never too hot, or too windy - but allowed all to enjoy three days of Peace, Love and Music. Thanks to Ksenia, Shelly and the whole crew at SNWMF for making it a wonderful experience all around.

    As the SNWMF social media post said… “It was Spaz-iale!”

    Photo by Hanane Korchi for SNWMF

    Follow our Stories and Coffee Adventures


    Sierra Nevada World Music Festival 2023

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