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  • Native Cinema 2024

    Native Cinema 2024

    Thanksgiving Coffee Company had the privilege to co-sponsor the “Native Cinema” event along with Xa Kako Dile: in the main tent at the 2024 Mendocino Film Festival. The sold out audience was alerted at the introduction that the next two and a half hours could make them feel “uncomfortable” and the truths that were shared at this event were even more than that word conveyed.

    Corine Pearce - Pomo Basket Weaver

    There were beautiful short films on the artistry and teaching of the world-renowned Pomo basketry with Corine Pearce, and the resurgence and validation of the Yurok tribe’s forest management practices using fire which has been practiced in this region for millennia. These controlled burns have now been adopted by Cal Fire and other agencies as extremely effective in controlling dangerous undergrowth and revitalizing the land.

    Margo Robbins of the Yurok Tribe bringing prescribed fire back in the film - Fire Tender

    This led up to the most significant part of the event – a documentary on MMIW – Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. It was horrifying to learn that we live in parts of the top 5 most dangerous parts of California for Indigenous Women, and also for other Indigenous people (MMIP) as well. Here is a snapshot of an all-too-horrific story: Missing of Murdered Indigenous People Fact Sheet

    "The next 2 1/2 hours could make you uncomfortable"

    Image from the documentary "We Ride For Her"

    raising awareness of the heartbreaking realities

    The film WE RIDE FOR HER (directed by Prairie Rose Seminole & Katrina Lillian Sorrentino) follows the birth of a group of motorcycle riding indigenous women who created this group to raise awareness of the heartbreaking realities and to aid in the search for their missing sisters and brothers. This documentary should be required education for all Californians.


    Local Indigenous Women Run Farm: Xa Kako Dile:

    Murdered Missing Indigenous Women: MMIW

    History of Thanksgiving Coffee Company and Native Cinema:

    Night of Native Cinema

    Native Cinema 2023 - Groundworks


    Native Cinema 2024

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  • Coffee Center Opens at UC Davis

    University of California Davis Coffee Center

    The University of California – Davis opened a new $6 million dollar Coffee Center on May 3, 2024, with all appropriate ruffles and flourishes, and I was proud to attend.

    Over the last 9 years their elective course, Introduction to Coffee, has soared its way to being the most popular elective course offered to undergraduate students, outpacing “Into to Beer” and “Human Sexuality” making a strong case that to the UC Davis student body – coffee is more important than alcohol and/or sex.

    Ribbon Cutting for the UC Davis Coffee Center Opening


    Fascinating work was showcased on a wide variety of coffee topics, including:

    • Thermodynamics of To Go Coffee - What keeps To-Go Coffee Warmest? Study by undergrads.
      (Spoiler alert… It’s the lid.)
    • Impacts of Total Immersion Brewing On Cold Coffee Flavor
    • Climate Change Impacts on Coffee Growing Regions in Brazil
    • A new mobile application for coffee bean grading and evaluation using color, size and defect analysis – all on a mobile phone.

    Representative Raw Data -Thermodynamics of To Go Coffee

    What does chemical Engineering have to do with coffee - source UC Davis Coffee Center Opening


    Itenerary for UC Davis Coffee Center Opening

    It was also fascinating that all these studies needed to be underwritten (in one way or another) by some type of sponsorship. The sponsorships ranged from in-kind sponsors who donated 100 cups, in 4 sizes, to Coffee roasters who donated services, to equipment suppliers who donated the funds necessary to do thousands of measurements to prove their thesis. Our higher education facilities are simply not able to fund all these kinds of projects without external financial aid, so they are very vocally appreciative for those who contribute sponsorships.

    Upper left, Doctoral Candidate Laudia Anoke-Bempah, upper right Dr. William Ristenpart, Center, Chancellor Gary May, lower left, Peter Giuliano SCA, lower right Richard L. Corsi

    The Coffee Center Building

    The building itself was repurposed from previously unrelated research purposes, but remodeled to allow for classrooms, cupping labs, roasting, testing, green coffee storage, and more.

    Attendees at the opening of the Coffee Center at UC Davis

    Interior of the new Coffee Center at UC Davis

    We are excited for the future to see what this program will mean for the next wave of bright new minds in the coffee industry and for the deeper appreciation of coffee to thousands of students per year. Cheers!

    UC Davis student roasted beans, from Royal Coffee, chocolate covered by students as well.


    Coffee Center Opens at UC Davis

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  • Earth Day Event in Fort Bragg 2024

    Earth Day Event in Fort Bragg

    The Noyo Food Forest is having their annual Earth Day celebration this Saturday at the Learning Garden. This four hour event is a fundraiser for the Farm-to-School and Youth Intern programs that the Noyo Food Forest operates year-round. We partner with the Noyo Food Forest throughout the year, and we especially love being a part of this annual event in Fort Bragg.

    15th Annual Earth Day Event
    Saturday, April 20, 12 - 4 PM
    At the Learning Garden at Fort Bragg High School on Dana Street.

    This Earth Day event is free and geared toward everyone in the family. There will be live music, and you can participate by putting down a bid for the silent auction, paying entry to bouncy houses, and tasting goodies from local chefs. This is one of the most fun events that happens in the city of Fort Bragg every year. Local organizations and nonprofits are a big part of this event, and you’ll see booths and representatives from the Noyo Marine Science Center, the Mendocino Land Trust, our Mendocino County state parks and many more important parts of the coastal community.

    Thanksgiving Coffee will be serving up samples of our Bee Bold Blend, our new Nitro Coffee, and the Noyo Food Forest will be selling 12oz bags, as well. All the proceeds benefit the Noyo Food Forest and their important work here in our community. We are very happy to be a part of this awesome event. For more information, visit the Noyo Food Forest Earth Day page on their website, and RSVP on Facebook to share with your friends. Join us on April 20 – see you at the Learning Garden.

    Thanksgiving Coffee Company
    Partnership with the Noyo Food Forest

    Learn more about how we support our Mother Earth  

    bee bold

    Earth Day Event in Fort Bragg 2024

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  • San Francisco Coffee Festival 2023

    San Francisco Coffee Festival 2023

    Big Golden Ballon Sing of SF Coffee Festival hanging above the convention center with people milling around all the booths below

    Once again, we participated in this year's San Francisco Coffee Festival at Fort Mason on the shores of the San Francisco Bay. This incredible event nearly doubled in size to just over 10,000 attendees over 2 days. We served about 6000 samples and had a phenomenal response.

    Two Happy Participants from SF Coffee Festival 2023

    Two Happy Participants from SF Coffee Festival 2023

    The total immersion of a French press develops a depth of flavor with which a pour over just can't compete.

    Joe Seta putting out samples with CEO Jonah Katzeff .  Josh Long brewing the coffee in back.

    Joe Seta putting out samples with CEO Jonah Katzeff . Josh Long brewing the coffee in back.

    We chose to serve coffees in a variety of roast spectrums: two of our Lights Roasts: Ethiopian Natural process, and Ethiopian washed process; a Guatemalan Dark roast, The Upsetter espresso, and our Royal Decaf coffees (see links below). Except for the espresso and a batch of cold brew Ethiopian natural, we brewed everything else via French Press which made us compete very well against our competitors who were making their coffee in pour overs. Our preference is the ESPRO French Press with its multiple filter layers. The total immersion of a French press develops a depth of flavor with which a pour over just can't compete. We got great feedback on all our coffees – even the Decaf because we were the only presenter that offered one… and ours tastes as full-flavored as any other coffee.

    Our Festival Team

    the team prepared for a festival of serving and sharing coffee Jennifer Brown, Josh Long, Jonah Katzeff, Nathan Nies

    left to right: Josh Long, Jennifer Brown, Jonah Katzeff, Nathan Niel

    Our festival team included our CEO, Jonah, our cofounder Paul, Josh Long (Roaster), Nathan Nies (barista/Sales Representative), Jennifer Brown (Office Manager) and me. Our stylized baseball jerseys were Jennifer's idea and boy did they make our team look good. The jersey colors worked very well with our branded canopy and really helped make a cohesive statement visually.

    We participate in this annual public event to help expand our brand presence in the Bay Area where we are represented but not nearly to the extent as many of the local competitors. It is very safe to say that a lot more of the Bay Area is now familiar with our name, our story, and the flavor of our coffee after this wonderful event.

    the team prepared for a festival of serving and sharing coffee Joe Seta, Josh Long, Jonah Katzeff, Nathan Nies

    left to right: Joe Seta, Josh Long, Jonah Katzeff, Nathan Nies

    Man pouring espresso shot

    Nathan Nies pulling one of the many many espresso shots

    Paul Katzeff sampling coffee with a man in a gray hoody with yellow, orange red and blue stipes at SF Coffee fest.

    left to right: Paul Katzeff, SF Coffee Participant

    Try the coffees we servered at the SF Coffee Fest!

    Gray Cups stacked up at SF Coffee Fest:

    Cups at SF Coffee Fest: "Coffee - Africa's Gift to the World - You're Welcome"


    San Francisco Coffee Festival 2023

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  • July Events 2023

    Summer of Fun

    July is only halfway done and yet the events are nonstop! Getting out amongst the world of coffee lovers gives us the best connection possible and exposure of our products to a wide range of audiences.

    We have been doing lots and lots of non-stop local (and not-so-local) events recently, including:


     An annual event at the Caspar Community Center that brings the community together with local vendors and music in celebration of Caspar, CA

    Bubbles, facepainting, kidzone at Caspar Fest with U'ilani Wesley

    The band La Onda

    Momma Grows funk, an eight piece funk band playing live performing in front of a dancing crowd outside in the sunshine

    The Redwood Coast Recreation Center

    Here we offered our coffee to support the center in Sea Ranch, CA

    "Your presence really added a nice touch and helped make it a successful event. We have gotten a LOT of positive feedback so we are hoping to repeat the event next summer!"

    Beth Roland

    B Local Bay Area

    This event was a group mixer for B Corps in San Francisco. As a certfied B Corp we enjoy meeting and working with our local chapter to learn about the good work and practices of our colleagues.

    The Chair of the Bay Area B Local Keira Murphy addresses the gathering, and a downtown view of Sales Force Tower in San Francisco

    Nathan Nies at the Thanksgiving Coffee station sharing our delicious coffee and story with our fellow B Corp community.

    The Mendocino Music Festival!

    We have been serving coffee as a sponsor of the Music Festival since it's humble beginnings in 1986.

    Festival Orchestra 1, with soloists Jessica Fellowes and Katie Kadarauch

    View from the Festival Tent

    Lavender Grace enjoying a cup of coffee at the Festival

    Coffee brings people together. We are happy to support our community to learn and grow and celebrate one another with great coffee.

    Stay tuned to all our Coffee Adventures

    July Events 2023

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  • The World’s Largest Salmon BBQ

    We Were There!

    A beautiful day of sunshine in Noyo Harbor with all the participants out enjoying themselves.

    Participants of the Salmon BBQ in the beautiful Noyo Harbor, CA

    The World’s Largest Salmon BBQ happened on 7/1, and again – Thanksgiving Coffee was there! This event brings together thousands of salmon lovers to raise money for salmon habitat restoration. The salmon fishery in California was closed this year – completely – in order to let the salmon population rebound, so everything that we can do to support increased spawning grounds will help the salmon, our local economy, and the entire ecosystem.

    The Thanksgiving Coffee Booth with signs and banners at the Salmon BBQ with the CEO, Jonah Katzeff out front. 

    Thanksgiving Coffee Booth at the Salmon BBQ with CEO, Jonah Katzeff (on right ) out front. 

    Our booth provided hot coffee (Mocha Java and Royal Decaf) and cold brew (Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Natural from the Gedeb region) in exchange for any donation to Salmon Restoration. We raised nearly $500 from donations alone. Our Office Manager, Jennifer, CEO Jonah, and co-founders Paul and Joan were on hand with Sales and Marketing Manager, Joe, to keep the coffee flowing for 8 hours.

    Jennifer Brown behind the Thanksgiving Coffee Booth under a canopy with large coffee pots.

    Jennifer Brown at Thanksgiving Coffee Booth at the Salmon BBQ

    All we can do to support increased spawning grounds will help the salmon,
    our local economy, and the entire ecosystem.

    We were not alone in this effort: fellow B Corps including North Coast Brewing Company and Harvest Market were on hand to donate, raise additional funds, and support the cause. The menu usually includes corn on the cob, but corn was in short supply this year, so Harvest Market was able to source organic new potatoes to supplant the menu.

    Young girl and Jennifer Bosma on right serving potatoes out of big bowls for the Salmon BBQ

    Jennifer Bosma on right, representing both Harvest Market and Rotary

    North Coast Brewing Company's CEO, Jennifer Owen, along with senior brewing staff serving a thirsty crowd at the World's Largest Salmon BBQ

    Dozens of volunteers helped pull this event together and make it run smoothly including Rotary International (with participation from both Fort Bragg and Mendocino chapters), California Conservation Corp., Mendocino Sheriff’s Department, Salmon Restoration Association, and the celebrity grill team including lots of local dignitaries including Fort Bragg’s Mayor, several County Commissioners, local business owners, and many, many more.

    A collage of all the Volunteers Serving up the food with smiles 

    Volunteers Serving up the food with smiles

    A guitarist, Bass player and Drummer in the band West of Nowhere playing live at the Salmon BBQ 

    "West of Nowhere" playing at the Salmon BBQ

    The event had a lively festival atmosphere with great weather, great vibes and lots of live music including West of Nowhere (pictured), Steven Bates Band, the Caspar Kings, Earl Oliver, and Deep Pockets who started the day off with some very danceable grooves. One of the highlights is the annual release of the supporting shirt… this year’s shirt slogan, “If you must smoke – smoke salmon.”

    Follow Stories of Restoration and More Fueled by Coffee


    The World’s Largest Salmon BBQ

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  • Sierra Nevada World Music Festival 2023

    We Offered a Thriving Palace of Fine Coffee

    Back from hiatus, the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival returned, and Thanksgiving Coffee Company was there. Inside the field that is sometimes used for high school sports, rodeo, sheepdog trials, and beer festivals, we constructed a working coffee house and served well over two thousand drinks.

    Espresso, lattes, cold brew and many other delights kept the energy of the crowd right where it wanted to be. 75 lbs. of various coffees transformed an empty field into a thriving palace of fine coffee.

    The Waiting Room/ Cafe Beaujolais's Chef Julian Lopez behind the Espresso Booth at the SNWMF

    The booth came from TCC, but Chef Julian from the Waiting Room/Café Beaujolais brought his staff to operate it with great style and delicious offerings.

    “It was Spaz-iale!”

    The weather cooperated – never too hot, or too windy - but allowed all to enjoy three days of Peace, Love and Music. Thanks to Ksenia, Shelly and the whole crew at SNWMF for making it a wonderful experience all around.

    As the SNWMF social media post said… “It was Spaz-iale!”

    Photo by Hanane Korchi for SNWMF

    Follow our Stories and Coffee Adventures


    Sierra Nevada World Music Festival 2023

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  • New 2023 Website Preview

    New things are coming your way on our website...

    Yes, we are going to be refreshing the way our website looks and feels. No, we are not going to be changing the way we handle subscriptions so rest assured that your data is safe, secure, and will not be changing. The biggest change is that the new website will be a better vehicle for telling our story while keeping the ease of buying that you have come to expect from us.

    There are going to be some fun new features, including:

    • A referral program that will allow you to earn rewards when you refer your friends, neighbors, and family to share in our coffee.

    There will also be a loyalty program that will reward you for doing things like:

    •  reading our blogs
    • following and liking our social media
    •  posting reviews
    •  adding pictures or videos to your reviews

    These rewards will be counted as “beans” which can be redeemed as discounts. The more you earn beans the greater the discount, all the way up to free products!

    The main reason for adding this program is that you will be empowered to create your own discounts instead of having to wait for us to have a sale... You get to make your own sale, anytime, just by doing the things you already do and supporting our mission to improve the well-being of all we touch–from coffee grower to coffee drinker.

    We look forward to launching this new site in just a couple of weeks so stay tuned!

    Stay connected and caffeinated :)


    New 2023 Website Preview

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  • Native Cinema 2023 - Groundworks

    Lifting Up Cultural Leaders

    Native Cinema is in its second season to uplift Native Cultural Leaders and bring visibility, acknowledgment, and responsibility to the Mendocino Coast. In partnership with local Northern Pomo cultural leaders, and Xa Kako Dile, Thanksgiving Coffee supports the work of our first nations leaders who share valuable wisdom for regenerative ways to shape our shared future.

    Coastal Pomo Dancers in traditional regalia.

    This year's Native Cinema program opens with the Coastal Pomo Dancers who will offer place-based ancestral song and dance to honor the land. The Dancers feature: Bernadette Smith (Board Chair of Xa Kako Dile: one of the first Indigenous women-led farms on the Mendocino Coast), Clarence Carrillo, Natalie Smith, and Shayne McCloud.

    "Land acknowledgments go beyond words to recognize and honor Indigenous peoples as the original land stewards. They are a crucial step in correcting historical erasure and marginalization. Rather than rushing through acknowledgment, it should be approached with intention and followed by meaningful action. Tailoring acknowledgments to specific Indigenous groups and engaging directly with them fosters accuracy and respect. Acknowledging ongoing colonization and its impact is vital for reconciliation. Land acknowledgment should be accompanied by building relationships and informed action. It can spark conversations and contribute to broader decolonization efforts. Research and genuine engagement with Indigenous communities are essential. Land acknowledgments invite us to learn, understand, and act toward reconciliation today." Kanyon Sayors-Roods

    Language Vitalization in Song

    This special short will play before the film feature with music composed and performed by Esme Olivia. Esme grew up in traditional Tiwa lands known as Albuquerque, NM. Hers is a weaving of lineages from Mexico, Holland, the Jewish diaspora, & the Great Mystery. She is a movement, theatre, music & teaching artist with Dancing Earth Creations & independent projects. Esme is especially keen on vocal harmonies, & how music, dance & storytelling may seed new culture & offer fresh water for the thirsty.

    Esme Olivia

    Groundworks - Feature Film

    Filmmaker: Ian Garrett, Director, Producer, Writer, Camera

    Groundworks is a documentary that shares stories of California Indigenous Artists. On San Francisco’s first official Indigenous People’s Day, a group of Native artists contributed a dance performance, Groundworks, to the annual Sunrise Ceremony on Alcatraz—nearly 50 years after the Indians of All Tribes occupied the island and brought attention to Native American rights. These artists, through their contemporary creative practices and activism, are working towards the reclamation of Native lands while restoring traditional ways of knowing and making.

    Native Cinema Presents

    June 4th, 2023

    3:00pm PT

    Mendocino Film Festival

    A Panel Discussion with the Artist will follow the film.

    L. Frank

    L. Frank

    Tongva-Acjachemen artist, writer, tribal scholar, cartoonist, and Indigenous language activist. She is an important keeper of knowledge related to Indigenous craft, building techniques, traditional foods, agriculture, and land management. In addition to activism to reclaim language, L. Frank has led the building of Tongva canoes through traditional means.

    Bernadette Antoinette Smith

    Bernadette Antoinette Smith

    Coastal Pomo from the Manchester/Point Arena Band. She has dedicated her life to the restoration and revitalization of the Chichkale, the Kashia word for the Tan Oak. She supports youth to stay connected to the land, sacred sites and to celebrate the acorn. She uses contemporary dance and music to breathe new life into their beautiful Pomo language and tell the stories of the Acorn from the beginning to the destruction that we see today. As an environmental justice activist, she protects against the use of harmful herbicides in the forest of the beautiful Mendocino coast.

    Ras K'dee

    Ras K’Dee 

    Pomo, with ties to multiple bands in Sonoma and Mendocino Counties. Ras is an accomplished musician and producer. He fronts Audiopharmacy, an internationally touring musical group that defies styles. He is also the editor for Snag Magazine and is building The Nest, an arts and community facility in Forestville, California which will be dedicated to having half of all collaborators be Indigenous.

    Kanyon Sayers-Roods

    Kanyon Sayers-Roods 

    Ohlone Mutsun and Chumash Native American Kanyon Coyote Woman Sayers-Roods art is a sincere expression of her Native heritage. Kanyon’s visual descriptions are always based on nature and the natural world. Dedicated and active in the Native Community, Kanyon provides leadership, serving as an artist, poet, activist, student and teacher for up and coming scholars ready to challenge their creative paths and remind people what it means to decolonized. Kanyon’s lifelong artistic vision is to convey principal ideas of Native culture through visual means. Offering her voice and her art to remind our community that Indigenous perspectives and cultural continuity is ever present and prevalent. CEO of Kanyon Konsulting and caretaker of Indian Canyon "Federally recognized Indian Country" in the south Bay between San Francisco and Monterey. Kanyon Konsulting Is dedicated to preaching the gap between indigenous and contemporary value systems.

    Panel Facilitators and Co-Producers:

    U’ilani Wesley is a Kanaka Oiwi (Native Hawaiian) originally from Honolulu, Hawaii. She is the Executive Director and co-founder of Xa Kako Dile: one of the first Indigenous and woman-led non-profits here in Northern California. She is an educator, activist, singer, speaker, mentor, and proud Mama. Positive change starts with ourselves, Imua Kakou (moving forward together).

    U’ilani is honored to be a part of the fabric of Turtle Island to promote healing, awareness and share Aloha!

    Lavender Grace - is of Celtic and Nordic descent raised on the California Coast and works with Thanksgiving Coffee Company as a consultant. She is the co-creator of the Bee Bold Alliance, a world renewal project to restore biodiversity and support local food systems. In partnership with cultural community leaders she is creating contemporary indigenous storytelling programs for multicultural and multi-generational mentor-ship and sound health.


    May our Legacy Live on in our Flowers and our Songs.

    Bee Bold Coffee Supports Our Pollinators for Generations to Come

    Learn More about our Work and our Journey in the World of Coffee


    Native Cinema 2023 - Groundworks

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  • Specialty Coffee Expo 2023

    As a first timer going to the SCA convention, I can tell you it was more than just a little overwhelming. Besides the sea of people (there were thousands of attendees), the first thing that strikes you is the incredible aroma of hundreds of coffees being ground and brewed at the same time.

    The next amazing part for me was that I never saw a single grumpy face - everyone was overjoyed to be getting together again and talking about the incredible liquid that we are so passionate about. There is an amazing camaraderie of the folks in this business. Even professional rivals (competitors)… were all focused on this peak experience and projecting their best for all to see.

    A panorama of the SCA Expo Convention floor.
    Specialty Coffee Expo Members Opening Line up

    Then we get to the exhibition floor... so vast it is hard to describe. My best frame of reference is that it took me 10 hours over the course of two days to experience it all one time. There were new technologies, there were cutting edge products, coffee varietals and flavors from dozens of countries - each one a complete departure from the previous.

    I suppose my biggest weakness was exposed at the booth for Panama’s Geisha coffee... 12 different stations each with two different flavors on display. Yes, I must admit I went down the rabbit hole of each one and I am still very glad that I did. That is, about as close as I came to being over caffeinated.

    Wall with

    Specialty Coffee Expo 2023

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  • Night Of Native Cinema

    Reflections of Mendocino Film Festival 2022

    The Mendocino Film Festival (MFF) began in 2006, and Thanksgiving Coffee Company has been a steady supporter since the beginning. This 2022 season an innovative program called "Native Cinema: Vision the Future" was lanched. This was created and produced by the Bee Bold Alliance (a project from Thanksgiving Coffee) to help tell the story of Mendocino’s regenerative renaissance.

    Bernadette Smith, Priscilla Hunter MFF 2022The overwhelming positive response of the Native Cinema program demonstrated an earnest interest in the Native experience. It was screened to a sold out audience at Crown Hall in Mendocino, CA. and featured many wonderful Native Filmmakers and several remarkable local Native Leaders.

    The tone of the evening was set by local coastal Pomo activist and cultural revitalizer Bernadette Smith. With her moving ancestral songs for the land, Smith gave respect and honor to her heritage and for those in the audience, the cultural experince of the original peoples of Mendocino, CA. Priscilla Hunter from the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo joined Smith in this acknowledgment with her prayers and helped amplify the intention for the evening of Native Films to come. (image: Bernadette Smith on left, Priscilla Hunter on right)

    Strengthen our connection through Indigenous Storytelling

    Part I

    Pat Ferrero and Daniel Golding MFF 2022

    The Cinema portion began with the film Chasing Voices (a “Pat’s Pick”) documentary about Ethnographer John Peabody Harrington who spent 50 years recording and documenting over 150 different, dying Native American languages. This film has been included in Rhode Island International FF, Montana Int FF, Mother Tongues FF, and the Smithsonian Institution in Feb 2022.   (image: Pat Ferrero left, Daniel Golding right)           

    Director/Producer Daniel Golding is an award-winning Native filmmaker with a degree in Cinema and American Indian Studies from SF State University. He has been making award-winning documentaries for the past twenty years and teaches digital filmmaking workshops to at-risk tribal youth through his Hokan Media Digital Filmmaking Academy.  

    After viewing this unique and intriguing film, the audience engaged in a Q&A led by Pat Ferrero with director Daniel Golding. Listen to more behind the making of Chasing Voices at Forthright Radio here.

    Part II

    Nathaniel Golding hopes audiences will take away how a positive outlet will lead to positive things.

    Nathaniel Golding MFF 2022Part II of the Native Cinema program featured AWAKEN, a short film about the issues young people face on the Fort Yuma Reservation in Southern California. The first-time filmmaker Nathaniel Golding (an enrolled member of the Quechan tribe) tells the story of cousins Orlando and Kieran whose love for metal music has not deterred them from learning their traditional songs and dances. Nathaniel was the youngest film crew member. He is learning the Quechan language and songs and was inspired to make this film by his father, producer Daniel Golding.

    (Image: Awaken filmmaker Nathaniel Golding) 

    Henry Thomas MFF 2022

    The second film Forest Grandmothers explores the activism of Priscilla Hunter (Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians) and Polly Girvin (Indigenous Rights Lawyer). For the past 40 years, they have tirelessly worked to preserve the forests and educate others about the cultural significance of biodiversity for Native People and the wellbeing of the planet.

    (Image: Forest Grandmothers filmmaker Henry Thomas, center)

    This unique film project was directed by first-time filmmaker Henry Thomas who led the Bee RYL Production Crew, a multicultural and multi-generational mentorship for youth to sustain local art and culture through film. Henry Thomas is a young aspiring filmmaker combining digital video with analog photography.

    The Bee RYL Crew for 2021-22: Ronan Williams, Keiran Miller, Kyla Marchello, Josephine Steinbeck, and camera support from Amy Heckeroth.

    *Bee RYL Productions is a pilot project of the Bee Bold Alliance led by Lavender Grace Cinnamon and sponsored by Thanksgiving Coffee Company in partnership with Hope4Natives, Mendocino Film Festival, and MHS Media Lab.

    Bernadette Smith opened the third film Chishkale: Blessing of the Acorn, with a beautiful spoken word in her native Kashia language in honor of the Acorn. This dance film with Bernadette was created to honor Tan Oak conservation efforts and the sacred, traditional food of California Natives. Bernadette dedicates her life to the restoration and revitalization of the Chichkale, (the Kashia word for the Tan Oak) with the use of contemporary dance and music she breathes new life into her beautiful Pomo language and culture. (Image:Bernadette Smith, Coastal Pomo)

    Chishkale filmmaker Linda Mai Green likes to tell stories of previously overlooked people. Green's films are for audiences who, like her, hunger to see an inclusive, multicultural world where they are reflected in all their complexity and nuance. Drawing on her biracial Vietnamese identity and her background in art history and literature, she is currently developing films that focus on the immigrant cultures and turbulent history of her home state of California.

    (Image:Chishkale filmmaker Linda Mai Green)

    Evan-Marie-Petit-MFF-2022The fourth and final film of the evening was Pomo Land Back: A Prayer from the Forest by filmmakers Evan-Marie Petit & Louis Fox. Hailing from the red earth of her ancestors, visual storyteller Petite is from the Eastern Cherokee.

    This film aims to honor the vital movement towards indigenous-led stewardship and rematriation of California forest lands. Created in collaboration with the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians, Pomo Land Back is a visceral poetic document of an alliance-building, inter-tribal gathering that took place in February 2022. The Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians calls for protection and co-management of the 48,652-acre Jackson Demonstration State Forest.

    (Image:Pomo Land Back filmmaker Evan-Marie Petite)

    A Q&A panel comprised of all the Filmmakers was hosted by Hawaiian Kanaka U'ilani Wesley along with local artist and Sustainable Ecology Advocate, Lavender Grace Cinnamon.  


    (Image: Lower level left to right Bernadette Smith, Linda Mai Green, Lavender Grace Cinnamon, U'ilani Wesley. Top left to right Henry Thomas, Evan-Marie Petite, Nathaniel Golding, Daniel Golding)



    (Tribal Chairman Michael Hunter left, Tribal Chairwoman Priscilla Hunter right)The evening closed with two honored local Tribal Leaders Chairmen Michael Hunter and Tribal Chairwoman Priscilla Hunter. Together they addressed the audience with a unique depth and humor all their own. They shared their vision to preserve the local forests and create a clean safe environment for future generations to come. Dynamic in vision and in action, the inspiring Chairman and Chairwoman Hunter actively work for the well-being of the planet and fortunate Mendocino is their home.

    Thanksgiving Coffee Company is a proud sponsor of the Native Cinema event. It felt like a step in the right direction to strengthen our communities resilience. The evening created an opportunity to learn and gather some tools to use during these turbulent times. With positive outlets, we can be community-minded and learn how to grow through our shared experiences. Ultimately we are all in this together, let's tell a good story.

    (Image: Tribal Chairman Michael Hunter left, Tribal Chairwoman Priscilla Hunter right)

    This event was a collaboration with The Bee Bold Alliance, in partnership with Hope4natives and The Mendocino Film Festival and made possible by the sponsorship of Thanksgiving Coffee Company.


    Sinkyone Intertribal Wilderness Council 


    Visit California Tribes

    Pomo Land Back

    Bee Bold Alliance   

    *Bee RYL Productions Pilot Project appreciates the generous donations from Sweetwater Inn and Spa, Fortunate Farms, Cafe Beaujolais, Corners of the Mouth, Princess Seafood, and Simone’s Kitchen

    ~Sustainable Ecology Advocate~ Lavender Grace Cinnamon

    Get Involved

    If you are interested in learning how to get involved, please reach out. We are most resilient when we honor our diversity and create creative solutions together.

    Our Bee Bold Coffee supports biodiversity and Earth renewal with your daily cup of coffee. The Bee Bold Campaign offers a steady funding source for Conservation Works, training youth to support native bees and pollinators with the restoration and preservation of habitats to sustain a resilient ecosystem.

    Follow Thanksgiving Coffee Companies Growing Stories.

    We use coffee as our medium to do good in the world.


    Night Of Native Cinema

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  • Salmon BBQ Event 2022

    Salmon BBQ 2022

    It may seem like a contradiction in terms… Eating salmon to support Salmon Restoration, but the Salmon Trollers Association has been doing great work with this event for years. I’ve had the good fortune of participating in several different ways to support this event since I moved up here more than 20 years ago, but this year I think was the most fun, and I’ll tell you why.

    Generous people, voting with their dollars to support a cause that has delicious implications.

    Paul Katzeff on Left and Joe Seta on Right

    This event is one of the largest events in Fort Bragg every year, often with a total of attendance of 3000 guests or more. Most of the folks who attend are tourists and most of the locals who attend are actually working on the periphery to make sure all these guests have a memorable experience. From the ticket takers, to the corn shuckers, to the salad spinners, to the garlic bread team with their bread mops soaked with that delicious stinking rose butter, and finally to the dignitaries wearing their best bright yellow rain gear, grilling up salmon to the delight of the masses.

    (Image: Paul Katzeff on left, Joe Seta on Right)

    Salmon BBQ Band 2022So at the end of that buffet line you find musical entertainment, the ice cream from our local legendary Cowlicks ice cream parlor, fine craft beer from North Coast Brewing Company (also a certified B Corp.) and Thanksgiving Coffee. We had cold brew, three different hot brews and the ability for the first time to sell bags of coffee.

    (Image: Crowed at the Worlds Largest Salmon BBQ, Fort bragg, CA)

    The morning starts with coffee for the volunteers, who are all extremely appreciative. Then, at about 11 AM… The line forms. That line doesn’t stop until 6 PM. For the next seven hours, Paul and I look like a pair of octopus pals, each with eight arms going in every direction, telling stories while serving and explaining the difference between light roasts, dark roasts and cold brew. We live for that kind of connection to our audience.

    Luckily, in the early afternoon, Jonah and Joan Katzeff arrived to give us a break, and allow us to feast like all the other salmon supporters. Wading out into the sea of picnic tables, all made by aspiring craftsman from Parlin Forks Conservation Camp, it’s inspiring to see the instant community that gets established, just by sitting next to someone from another place, from another experience, and all gathered together for the support of the salmon.

    Back to it after the break, the audience primarily switched from hot brew to cold brew as the sun starts to reclaim its rightful position overhead instead of the often-present marine layer of clouds. Did I tell you that we were giving all this coffee away? Well, the coffee was ‘free’ in exchange for a donation, in any amount, to Salmon Restoration. When we took an average at the end of the day people were donating about six bucks per cup of coffee… Generous people, voting with their dollars to support a cause that has delicious implications. (Image: Momma Grows Funk Band with crowd at Worlds Largest Salmon BBQ, Fort Bragg, CA)


    Below are the coffees that were served at the Salmon BBQ for you to enjoy at home.

    If you want to see more of our work and follow along click our social links below.


    Salmon BBQ Event 2022

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  • Honey Bee Day 2018

    Honey Bee Day 2018

    This Saturday is National Honey Bee Day! Take time in the garden and around your neighborhood to thank the pollinators around you this weekend. These little black and yellow insects play a vital role in keeping all of us alive on this planet, and they are worth taking the time to appreciate.

    In addition to simply appreciating these creatures, it’s also important to learn more. Why do we need pollinators? What would happen if bees went extinct? What action do we need to take to make sure communities are protecting our bees? Take a look at the Bee Action Friends of the Earth page to get a better idea of what you can be doing for your community.

    Thanksgiving Coffee on Honey Bee Day

    Bee BoldIn 2016, Fort Bragg became the first Bee-Friendly City in California. This was due to the efforts of local beekeepers, the Fort Bragg Garden Club, and Thanksgiving Coffee. We were proud to lead the movement in California toward ridding our state of harmful pesticides and neonicotinoids that are killing our pollinators. Over the course of the past two years, Thanksgiving Coffee Company has partnered with two organizations to save our pollinators: our local Noyo Food Forest in Mendocino County and the international group, Friends of the Earth. We have raised over $17,000 for these non-profits, thanks to YOUR support of Bee Bold Coffee.

    Pick up a bag of Bee Bold Coffee at your local grocery store, or grab a bag online through our web store. Let’s celebrate National Honey Bee Day together, and save our pollinators!


    Honey Bee Day 2018

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  • Pollinator Week Partner Post

    Here is a post from our Bee Bold Alliance partner Conservation Works, with a highlight on our collaborative efforts to restore biodiversity and support local food systems with youth.

    Bee Bold

    Stitching Together Bee Patches of Pollinator Habitat

    By Oona Heacock, Executive Director of Conservation Works

    On a foggy morning along the Westport Headlands Park, Conservation Works volunteer Joan Wier sets up tools for a group of Bee Bold Youth Core teens and their parents as they gather to plant a new habitat garden for bees. As the teens arrive at this dramatic seaside park, Joan guides them around the perimeter of the future garden, hanging string around wooden stakes that the group pounds into the mowed grass to form the shape of a whale in honor of the Westport Whale Festival held each year at this site. A Bee Patch is being created.

    “The trick is to plant 3 foot blocks of the same kind of flower to attract pollinators and plant four seasons of bloom,” Weir explained. She went on to demonstrate how to hand grub the grassy headlands site to expose soil and then directed one mom and daughter pair to cast native lupin seeds directly onto the soil while others mixed seeds with clay to form little seed bombs which later would be rolled onto the site at the end of the day.

    Bee Bee

    Bees are struggling. Multiple factors are causing this decline, but coming together as a community and involving youth to plant a “Bee Patch” of native flowering plants along with clean water and places to rest and nest along our farms, parks and homes can make all the difference in restoring healthy bee populations.

    Conservation Works believes that the likelihood of long-term environmental sustainability of our pollinators needs to involve the next generation. Our Bee Patches program energizes youth to choose to be environmental stewards throughout their life, and nurtures them to become the change-makers for taking direct action to reverse the downward spiral in pollinator populations.

    Bees inspire a sense of wonder and fascination in most of us and can be a good way to introduce youth and community groups of any age and background to the larger natural world. Bees can be found in any landscape. We will never see most of these furry little wildlife because they’re fast, often small, and nest underground. But take a summer stroll out in your garden or at a local park and you’re likely to spot more bees than you can count. Other beneficial insects and hummingbirds use a garden, too, as it’s a busy oasis of year-round habitat and food resources. Planting a garden is a powerful way to take local action and provide an offset to mounting, worldwide pollinator declines.

    Bee Bee

    Everyone can take action with Conservation Works and the Bee Bold Alliance during National Pollinator Week by growing pollinator-friendly flowers, providing nest and rest sites, avoiding pesticides, and spreading the word. And don’t forget to make your commitment official by becoming a Pollinator Protector. Make your pledge.

    bee bold

    Pollinator Week Partner Post

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  • 4th Annual World Bee Day - Live Stream

    World Bee Day

    4th Annual World Bee Day Celebration
    Free Live Stream

    May 20, 2021
    12:00PM PST

    Join us for the International World Bee Day as we honor and acknowledge the importance of our bees for sustaining the Earth’s biodiversity, local food security, and ancient sacred knowledge.

    In collaboration with the Mendocino Rotary Foundation and the Mendocino Rotary Club, we opened the Bee Bold Alliance’s first Pollinator Sanctuary in Mendocino, CA

    Come enjoy a live program with Lavender Grace the Sustainable Ecology Advocate of Thanksgiving Coffee Company plus an excerpt from the ceremony on Sunday, May 16th.

    May 20, 2021
    12:00PM PST

    Click Here to Join

    Together we are creating “Honey Heart Habitats” with honor, respect, and reciprocity for the soil, the water, and the bees..

    Sunday’s Participants in the included Conservation Works, Jug Handle Creek Farm, and Nature Center, Rotary Club Mendocino, Thanksgiving Coffee Company, Eco Artists, Bee Bold Alliance, Mendocino Art Center, Garden Friendly Community, Mendocino Trail Stewards, Mendocino Gold Honey, The Farm, Botanical Gardens, and Honey Hive of Mendocino.

    Support the work of the Bee Bold Alliance when you drink our Bee Bold Coffee.

    We acknowledge the Bees for all the beauty and abundance they bring,  and for maintaining our biodiversity and local food security. Thanksgiving Coffee Company is an enthusiastic supporter of The Bee Bold Alliance and is proud to produce Bee Bold Coffee as a fundraiser to save pollinators, of which bees are the most important.

    Now, after five years of work this effort has turned into a movement anchored by Ft. Bragg becoming the first Certified Bee City in California and a dozen Mendocino County community organizations pledging support for protecting and nurturing our local pollinators by joining The Bee Bold Alliance.

    bee bold

    4th Annual World Bee Day - Live Stream

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  • 4th World Bee Day Annual Celebration

    World Bee Day

    World Bee Day

    Thanksgiving Coffee Company is co-hosting the 4th annual World Bee Day Celebration on May 16th, 2021 in Mendocino, CA with the Rotary Park of Mendocino and Bee Bold Alliance from 12-2 pm with a virtual screening on May 20th.

    The event will begin at noon with an honoring of the Ancestral Lands of the Northern Pomo with the Pinoleville Pomo Tribe and will close with a water ceremony to give respect to the Big River Water Shed.

    Musical offering by the Honey Hive Ensemble, art from the Mendocino Eco Artist, Honey from Mendocino Gold, Plants from Jug Handle Native Nursery, Seed Bombs, and information about bees from Conservation Works, Crown and Wand activities for kids, and more.

    We acknowledge the Bees for all the beauty and abundance they bring,  and for maintaining our biodiversity and local food security. Thanksgiving Coffee Company is an enthusiastic supporter of The Bee Bold Alliance and is proud to produce Bee Bold Coffee as a fundraiser to save pollinators, of which bees are the most important.

    Now, after five years of work this effort has turned into a movement anchored by Ft. Bragg becoming the first Certified Bee City in California and a dozen Mendocino County community organizations pledging support for protecting and nurturing our local pollinators by joining The Bee Bold Alliance.


    4th World Bee Day Annual Celebration

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  • Whale Run 2019

    Whale Run 2019

    Coffee and Movement

    Athletes have long appreciated the many helpful properties of coffee. As a pre-race ritual, a hot cup of coffee gets the blood flowing and puts a spring in your step. After a hard workout, the capillary dilation effects of caffeine help aid in recovery, increasing blood flow to tired muscles. Here at Thanksgiving Coffee, we believe in the magic of coffee and we know that it can be so much more than just a morning beverage— it can be a true medium for change.

    Coffee Movement

    Zachary Friedley was born missing his right leg above the knee, but that has never stopped him from being a natural-born athlete. Participating in wrestling, football, and baseball, Zachary is now pursuing his dream of competing in the 2020 Paralympic games in Tokyo as part of the track and field team. His goal is to spread awareness for his new non-profit organization, The Mendocino Movement Project, whose mission is to provide prosthetics to landmine survivors and those suffering from limb loss in developing countries.

    Coffee Movement

    Thanksgiving Coffee was proud to provide coffee for the athletes at this year’s Fort Bragg Whale Run and sponsor Zach for his very first 5k race. A fundraising event for the local Soroptimist group, the Whale Run celebrated it’s 35th year on the town’s brand new coastal trail.

    Coffee Movement With support from Thanksgiving Coffee’s Brand Manager and accomplished marathoner, Marchelo Bresciani, Zach ran his farthest distance to date. As a world class sprinter, Zach never imagined how much he would enjoy the 5k distance and seeing just how far he could go. Now, he is pursuing more events and 5k races around the country to share his story and promote movement throughout the community.
    >A recipient of this year’s Challenge Athlete Foundation Grant, Zach is gearing up to receive a new leg later this month. He can’t wait to hit the ground running and start posting new personal records.
    Thanksgiving coffee is proud to support Zach and his efforts to bring the Mendocino Movement Project to life. Follow him on his adventures this summer and keep an eye out for a special package of Mendocino Movement Project Coffee in the months ahead.


    Whale Run 2019

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  • Winesong 2018

    Winesong 2018

    Living in a small rural town means that we all have to work together to support our community resources. Fundraising events are seasonal cornerstones out here on the Mendocino Coast, and of all the events we participate in throughout the year Winesong is the most prestigious. Since 1985, Winesong has raised over $7.5 million for the Mendocino Coast Hospital Foundation and has contributed to our local health care services by funding everything from ultrasound machines, ambulances, and patient beds to uninsured cancer treatments. Every year it takes the whole town, and an army of volunteers, to put this event together and Thanksgiving Coffee is always there to lend a hand to serve everyone a delicious cup of coffee.

    And what a beautiful event to attend! Held every September at the Mendocino Botanical Gardens, guests are surrounded by dahlias in full bloom while they enjoy wineries, musicians, and food vendors from all over California, culminating in an exciting live auction at the end.

    We were happy to share our beautiful Congo medium roast with guests from near and far who appreciate a great cup of coffee while supporting health care services for our community.

    Not Just A Cup, But A Just Cup.

    Thanksgiving Coffee Company

    2017 Roaster of the Year

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    Winesong 2018

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  • National Dog Day with the Mendocino Coast Humane Society

    National Dog Day with the Mendocino Coast Humane Society

    We love dogs here at Thanksgiving Coffee, and we are happy to celebrate National Dog Day this Sunday, August 26. Brutus and Zoe are Thanksgiving’s reliable four legged co-workers, a joyful addition to the team, always ready for a head scratch or a treat. Sometimes the twins, Venture and Mariah, stop by for a visit. And who could forget how all our hearts melted when Palmer brought his new puppy, Mocha, in to say hello?

    We celebrate National Dog Day everyday, not just with our furry co-workers, but through our coffee. With your support, we raise money through for the local humane society with our Good Dog Blend Coffee, and we champion their wild cousins with a variety of Save the Wolves coffee roasts. Even the Art Explorers, a local non profit that helps adults with developmental challenges through art therapy, chose dogs as their main subject for 3 of their 20 unique coffee labels. Clearly, the love of dogs has a profound impact on our lives.

    Good Dog This year, we hope you will celebrate National Dog Day with a canine that you love, and maybe a cup of coffee. Pick up a package of Good Dog Blend in your favorite roast color and help find homes for pets in need. Give a friend a bag of Save Our Wolves and you can help protect the legacy of wild dogs. Whichever you choose, together we can honor our four legged friends, just by enjoying a great cup of coffee.

    Not Just A Cup, But A Just Cup.


    National Dog Day with the Mendocino Coast Humane Society

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  • Art in the Gardens This Weekend

    Art in the Gardens This Weekend

    The 26th annual Art in the Gardens is this Saturday, from 11a to 5p at the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. Mendocino County is teeming with creativity, and will be on display in the form of pottery, jewelry, paintings, photographs and more throughout the 47 acres of oceanside gardens.

    Cup Flower

    In addition to showcasing the craftsmanship of Mendocino’s artisans, Art in the Gardens also features an array of refreshments. Every visit to AIG begins by grabbing a wine glass or a beer stein. As you wander through the garden, you’ll have the chance to taste beers and wines from all over Mendocino County. All of this is set against the dramatic backdrop of the Pacific Ocean. We love the Botanical Gardens year round, but we are always thrilled when Art in the Gardens rolls around.

    This year, Thanksgiving Coffee will be serving coffee at AIG, giving out samples of our nitro cold brew, and making our regular cold brew available to purchase through Rhody’s Garden Cafe. We can’t wait to once again attend this excellent event, and we’re looking forward to seeing many of you there.


    Art in the Gardens This Weekend

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  • Good Vybz at Reggae on the River

    Good Vybz at Reggae on the River

    It’s summer in Northern California, and that means festivals are everywhere. One of the classic festivals that takes over Southern Humboldt County is Reggae on the River, which makes its home on the banks of the Eel near Garberville.

    2018 marks 34 years of this event, pulling in reggae musicians from all over the world to our little corner of the universe. Just like the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival, a good group of the Mendocino Coast travels inland for this event, since it’s only a two hour drive from the cityof Fort Bragg.

    Good Vybz

    Thanksgiving Coffee at Reggae on the River

    This year, Reggae on the River attendees will have the chance to taste Thanksgiving Coffee cold brew, courtesy of our friends at Good Vybz Devine Design. Good Vybz just opened up a retail location in Willits, and will be traveling to the festival with their handcrafted designs.

    In addition to the tie dye and bright colors that Good Vybz brings, they will be serving cold brew from Thanksgiving Coffee during the 80+ degree days that this festival is predicting. As a bonus, these guys also sell shaved ice–and we can’t imagine anything more refreshing than shaved ice and a cold brew on a hot summer day, especially while enjoying music on the river!

    If you’re planning on attending Reggae on the River this year, stop by the Good Vybz booth and say hello to Lynesha and Jason! Tell them thank you from Thanksgiving Coffee, for serving locally roasted Fairtrade and Organic cold brew. Follow Good Vybz on Facebook for more information about their work.

    Good Vybz LLC in Willits
    1637 S Main St #C
    Willits, CA 95490

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    Good Vybz at Reggae on the River

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  • First Day of Summer

    First Day of Summer

    Summertime brings so many fun things to Mendocino County, and as the tourists start flooding our coastline, we thought it was a good time to do a roundup of our favorite summer events here in Fort Bragg and Mendocino. This place has so much to offer, and there’s no better time to celebrate the goodness than on the First Day of Summer!

    Sierra Nevada World Music Festival

    June 22 – June 24
    Sierra Nevada is just a day away, this weekend in Boonville. For the 25th year in a row, this reggae music festival is sure to be a good time–and Thanksgiving Coffee will be serving coffee at the STEEP Organic Coffee & Teas tent!

    Fourth of July in Mendocino

    July 4
    If you’re on the coast for Independence Day, you are in for a treat. The Mendopendence Parade takes place at noon on the Fourth of July, making its way through downtown Mendocino. After the parade, you can stroll over to the Kelley House for a BBQ, visit Ukiah Street for a block party, or just wander around the shops and enjoy the local flavor.

    World’s Largest Salmon BBQ

    July 7
    Just after the Fourth of July is Fort Bragg’s annual “World’s Largest Salmon BBQ.” This event has been happening for 47 years, and it’s a staple in the community. The BBQ raises money for salmon habitat restoration here on our coastline, and we serve coffee every year. The event takes place on the south side of Noyo Harbor, just down the hill from the Thanksgiving Coffee Roastery.

    Mendocino Music Festival

    July 7 – July 21
    For two weeks in July, Mendocino is filled with the sweet sounds of music! Performers from all over the world come to the coast to entertain tourists and locals alike on the headlands, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

    Noyo Headlands Race

    August 5
    The first annual Noyo Headlands Race is happening on August 5, now that the Fort Bragg Coastal Trail is open from Noyo Bridge to MacKerricher Park. This event is going to feature a half marathon, 10k, 5k, and a few different races for the kids, as well.

    Paul Bunyan Days

    September 1 – 3
    This event over Labor Day Weekend brings us back to the logging days of Mendocino County. It’s a weekend of competitions with axes, saws and a lot of plaid. The annual parade occurs on Labor Day itself, and finishes up with the joyous sounds of the Humboldt State Marching Lumberjacks, who always put on quite a show.


    September 8
    As the summer winds to a close, we finish up with one last excellent event to complete the list. Winesong is probably the most popular event that happens here on the Mendocino Coast, and is attended by people from all over the state of California. This fundraising event for the local hospital is held at the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, and features the best food and beverages from restaurants, vineyards and breweries all over Mendocino County. Do not miss Winesong 2018!

    Enjoy this long beautiful First Day of Summer… and all the gorgeous days of summer to follow!

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    First Day of Summer

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  • Sierra Nevada Music Festival

    Sierra Nevada Music Festival

    One of Northern California’s favorite music festivals is coming up once again. The great Sierra Nevada World Music Festival is celebrating its 25th year this weekend! Pulling in some of the greatest names in reggae, this event draws enormous crowds to Mendocino County, with everyone descending on Boonville to dance, sing, relax and have a grand time.

    We are a part of that crowd, and are excited to announce that our partners at STEEP in Hopland will be serving Thanksgiving Coffee at this year’s Sierra Nevada Music Festival!

    Sierra Nevada

    Coffee at Sierra Nevada

    Ever since STEEP opened three years ago, they’ve been serving Thanksgiving Coffee out of their bright yellow building on the edge of Hopland. Mike and Jess and the STEEP staff will be serving Thanksgiving Coffee espresso and cold brew at Sierra Nevada this year, in the main music bowl at the Valley Village Stage. We’re also providing coffee for the performers backstage, keeping everyone at the festival caffeinated!

    Upsetter Espresso

    The STEEP team is serving up espresso drinks and regular coffee, alongside some excellent cold brew. The cold brew we’re bringing for the festival is our Upsetter, a light roast espresso blend that draws its name from Lee “Scratch” Perry. Lee is an artist, producer and innovator in the world of reggae, and actually performed at Sierra Nevada in 2017.

    Be sure to stop by and tell the STEEP Coffee team thank you for serving locally roasted Thanksgiving Coffee at Sierra Nevada World Music Festival 2018! We are honored to be a part of this event, and can’t wait to join in on the dance floor this weekend.

    Thanksgiving Coffee in Anderson Valley

    Wondering where else around Boonville you can snag a cup of Thanksgiving Coffee? Here’s a list of our accounts throughout Anderson Valley!


    Lizbby’s Restaurant and Bar
    Anderson Valley Market
    Redwood Drive In


    Lemon’s Market
    Philo Apple Farm


    Navarro General Store


    Yorkville Market


    Dahlia and Sage
    Eagles Nest Deli
    Hamburger Ranch


    Sierra Nevada Music Festival

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  • World Oceans Day: Noyo Center for Marine Science

    World Oceans Day: Noyo Center for Marine Science

    If you’ve spent any time following Thanksgiving Coffee on social media, you know how much we love the place where we live. Our roastery is less than half a mile from the Pacific Ocean, and you’ll routinely find us walking the headlands at lunch and heading to the beaches for sunsets after work. The ocean is in our blood. June 8 is World Oceans Day, and this year we are partnering with the Noyo Center for Marine Science in support of their 2018 campaign: Help the Kelp.

    This campaign is focused on bull kelp, an essential part of the Pacific Ocean’s ecosystem, and a seaweed that has been disappearing from our coastline. Learn more in this excerpt from the Noyo Center’s Help the Kelp page:

    “Bull kelp forests are the foundation – or structure – of our nearshore coastal ecosystem. The floating canopy of this brown algae gives shelter to young fish and the kelp itself provides food for valuable species, such as red abalone and red sea urchin.

    Today, our kelp forests are in serious trouble. Though annually variable, in the past five years, California’s kelp forests have decreased by 93% of normal. Higher sea surface temperatures in recent years have limited kelp growth, and sea star wasting disease has removed a key predator of purple sea urchins, a voracious eater of kelp. Though our waters have cooled this past year, the explosion of the purple urchin population—60 times higher than normal—has prevented the kelp forests from recovering from these multiple blows.

    The Noyo Center is raising awareness, and bringing people together to learn more and do something about this issue. Mendocino is very lucky to have this inspiring group of people here in our county, and they’ve proven that they can get things done time and time again, most recently through the Orca Project here in Fort Bragg

    Noyo Center

    Noyo Center Cause Coffee

    We have created a Cause Coffee, which will only be available at the Noyo Center. This allows the nonprofit to get the largest amount of donations right back into their organization. While you can’t sign up for a club subscription with this coffee, as it will only be available for a limited time, you CAN buy multiple packages and give them out to friends and family.

    Our oceans are not only special and beautiful–they’re an essential part of the existence on our planet. Everyone has to work together to protect natural resources like our kelp forests, and this is one small way to give back. If you want to make an even bigger impact, you can also donate directly to the Noyo Center. This organization is doing important work, and we are happy to have them in our community, working toward healthier oceans for everyone.

    Noyo Center for Marine Science
    155 Cypress St
    Fort Bragg, CA 95437
    Phone: (707) 733-6696

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    World Oceans Day: Noyo Center for Marine Science

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