
Introducing the Bee Bold Alliance
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Introducing the Bee Bold Alliance

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Bee Bold Alliance

A Regenerative Ecology Network

Right now, bees are dying worldwide at an alarming rate. Why should you care? Because bees and other pollinators are an essential link in the food chain—our food chain.

The Bee Bold Alliance is a movement to help people attract and sustain pollinators in their home gardens, and at their place of work through habitat restoration and creation.

The Bee Bold Alliance blog will share stories that follow both the root causes for the disappearance of the bees and why it is so important to listen to the pollinators. Join us as we explore the diversity and abundance of our Pollinators of the world.

The four areas of focus:

  • Culture
    • How Beauty, Art, and Intention Influence our Ecology
  • Provisions
    • The Power of Food & Herbal Medicine for Global Health
  • Regulation
    • Regenerative Systems for Ecological Solutions
  • Support
    • Soil Health, and Traditional Ecology Knowledge of Ancestral People

In these stories we tell how to collaborate with our Bee Bold Partners for the greater good of all. We will look into how we learn from our mistakes and utilize all of the tools available to us to solve the problem of our disappearing pollinators and the huge impact this has on our ecology.

As a Certified B Corp Thanksgiving Coffee Company is prepared to lead the way for Pollinator Protection in our community and beyond.

Bold local action for pollination survival

The Main Objective

The Bee Bold Alliance is about helping people learn how to attract and sustain pollinators in their home gardens & at their place of work through habitat restoration and creation.

However we will not stop there, we are going to look deeper into the root cause of the disappearance of pollinators and discover modern solutions, that perhaps have previously been overlooked.

To find examples of a sustainable relationship with the earth, we will look to a regenerative ecology network that includes Traditional Ecology Knowledge (TEK). Incorporating Indigenous wisdom gathered from around the world by those who develop and maintain a deep and ancestral connection to the land.

Each one of us carries a piece within, it is up to us to find it, and use it for the greater good.

You too, are part of this solution, and I thank you for being here. Your support on this collaborative project is essential. Your participation will allow us to move forward for a bountiful future for all. If you are coffee drinker,  make your coffee our Bee Bold Coffee and support pollinator protection in your local region every morning.

The Beginning

The Bee Bold Alliance came into focus in 2018, just after receiving a loud and clear message that it was “my time” be a steward of this land. Shortly after I received this message, Thanksgiving Coffee Company invited me to relaunch the Bee Bold project.

In revitalizing this campaign, the Bee Bold Alliance for Pollinator Protectors came into being. The more I learn about my role in leading this campaign, the less I truly know. For example, now I understand it is not about being a “steward”, one who watches over the land, but more importantly one who actively gives to the land before one takes. To be full of gratitude for all we are given. To move through each day with honor and respect for the Earth that gives us every little thing.

The Bee Bold Alliance is a way to give to the land your home is on, to the land you do your business is on, and to the community you are part of. The vision is to build native food forest with First Nations People, the seed savers, and to support the health of our new generations. The Bee Bold Alliance is about honoring the original care givers of these lands, and protecting the pollinators who allow us to grow the seeds of real food that nourish us.

As we develop a full spectrum Ecology System, we must include the practices of Cultural Ecology from the wisdom of our elders. How has  community song & dance been part of the creation process for our food systems?  How do we honored the spirit of life through our culture, and how is the sound health for our ecology manifested? This is the focus of work I do as a singing woman and consultant at the Honey Hive of Mendocino.

Connecting people to collaborate on the Bee Bold Alliance is the role I serve at Thanksgiving Coffee Company. The company’s mission is to lead by example and inspire coffee drinkers to be a part of the solution.

The Earth is full of abundance, the gifts of life are all around us, all that we need to survive comes from this Great Planet. So how do we learn to live in harmony with the Earth and all its inhabitants. This is what I want to know, and I will take you through this journey of learning, as we travel many roads and look at many different tools that can be utilized in this work.

Here we are at the beginning of an emerging network for mutual support of our pollinator protectors: it will grow as we build it. Our World is as resilient as we make it. Let us find this new form of global coherence with the aid or one another. I hope you will join us on this journey. Become a pollinator protector with the Bee Bold Alliance here.

Upcoming blog – Bee Bold Advisors

This work has been informed by many wonderful advisors and I will share with you the work they do in the upcoming posts.

Lavander Grace

Lavender Grace is the Sustainable Ecology Advocate for Thanksgiving Coffee Company and Consultant for the Honey Hive of Mendocino