
The Coffee that Gives Thanks
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The Coffee that Gives Thanks

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The Coffee that Gives Thanks

Giving Thanks

You probably know this already. There is a common misconception about our company name where people think that it means we are all about the holiday in November. We like turkey and family gatherings just fine, but our name means something else. Something more.

It is about Giving Thanks with Coffee.

Our logo, the cornucopia and the cup, symbolize the sharing of a farmer’s bounty. It is the beautiful harvest from farmers and co-ops who love their coffee trees, that pours into every cup of Thanksgiving Coffee.

A just cup indeed.

Our logo, the cornucopia and the cup, symbolize the sharing of a farmer’s bounty. It is the beautiful harvest from farmers and co-ops who love their coffee trees, that pours into every cup of Thanksgiving Coffee.

A just cup indeed.


So what does it mean to “give thanks with coffee”?

We give to coffee farmers through fair trade practices, through projects at origin which aim to improve their quality of life, and by supporting them through the hard times. We do this because it is the right thing to do, and as a result of this care, the quality of our coffee is unparalleled.

Beyond the thanks we give to coffee farmers, we give thanks WITH coffee through our Cause Coffee partnerships. Each Cause Coffee represents a community that is doing the hard work to make our world a better place, and they need as much support as they can get. We recognized an opportunity to help these communities, and have created many Cause Coffees which provide support for their hard work by donating 20% of every package of their coffee we sell online- to give them thanks, with coffee.

You probably know about our Cause Coffee partnerships with the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International (Gorilla Fund), the American Birding Association (Song Bird), the American Wild Horse Campaign (Wild Grounds), the Bee Bold Alliance (Bee Bold), and Defenders of Wildlife (Save Our Wolves). They each do amazing work, and we are thrilled to have provided them support over the years.

What you may not know about are some of the smaller organizations we have partnered with, but no worries, I’ll introduce you:

The Mendocino Land Trust (Fog Dodger), whose mission is to conserve and restore valuable natural resources of the Mendocino County region. They are dedicated to providing public access to the coast and protecting working farmlands and forests, wildlife habitat, open space, scenic vistas and watersheds.

PCLK logo

The Point Cabrillo Lightkeepers Association (Lightkeepers Blend), whose mission is to manage, protect, restore, interpret, and provide public access to the historic Point Cabrillo Light Station State Historic Park, and to assist State Parks in maintenance of the historic structures and gardens to ensure this national treasure for current and future generations.

Brr Logo

Baby Rhino Rescue (Baby Rhino Rescue Coffee), who work with the real people on the front lines: the rangers in the bush, the vets caring for the injured orphaned rhinos, the sanctuary experts rehabilitating traumatized rhinos; who are all working together to save rhinos from extinction.

You can find their Cause Coffees online with the links above, and I encourage you to read more about them and to support their work. It is your support that puts the “giving” in Thanksgiving Coffee. We really could not do any of this without you.

Thank you!