
French Decaf


French Decaf


Formerly known as "Nighthawks French", this water processed French decaf is roasted to our darkest level. It is amazing how much this tastes like regular caffeinated coffee!

This coffee is organically grown in various parts of Central and South America and decaffeinated naturally using water, not chemicals.

GrindWhole Bean

  • Whole Bean
  • Auto Drip
  • French Press
  • Espresso
  • Turkish

Bag Size12oz Bag

  • 12oz Bag
  • 5lb Bag
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Customer Review

Coffee to Water Ratio

Using the correct amount of coffee will ensure that your coffee is brewed to strength, without over-extracting or under-extracting the coffee to compensate for an inappropriate dose. We recommend 2 grams of coffee for every fluid ounce of water used to brew. Weighing coffee is the most accurate way to measure the appropriate dose. If a scale is not available, we recommend 2 heaping tablespoons of ground coffee for every 5 ounces of water used to brew.

Grind Size

Producing the correct particle size in ground coffee is one of the most important steps in coffee brewing. In general, a finer grind will produce a more intense brew and a coarser grind will produce a less intense brew. At the same time, a grind that is too fine will produce an over-extracted, astringent brew, and a grind that is too coarse will produce a weak, under-extracted brew lacking flavor. In pour-over methods, grind size also affects the rate of extraction, as water will pass more slowly through a finer grind, and more quickly through a coarser grind. We strongly recommend burr grinders over blade grinders.

Water Temperature and Quality

Water temperature dramatically affects the extraction of coffee’s flavor during brewing. We recommend brewing with water at 200-202° Fahrenheit for best results. Using fresh, clean, chlorine-free water is essential. 

Coffee 101

Discover how to make the most in your cup with our brew blog - Coffee 101. Brewing variations, roast colors, coffee storage, steaming, and so much more. Not just for beginners, this info has gems for all coffee enthusiasts from novice to barista and beyond.

"Excellent French decaf. The five pound bag will go quickly."
Kate H. of Lakewood, CO