A new years message from Ernesto Somarriba Jinotega , Jan.1, 2011 When the old year was gone maybe you were happy because another year was coming. At that moment you were with the ones who you love and when 2010 ended you probably gave them a tight hug and kiss and celebrated with them.
If you were a person who felt satisfied because you had completed all your goals for the last year, I think that you were feeling more comfortable.
It is very common that when a new year is starting, you plan to reach those goals that you didn't get to achieve in the previous year or to plan your new goals for this year. I think that almost everybody does the same thing all over the world.
At the same time, you wonder if this year will be good or bad for you. But it is true that most of the people feel and think positive and sometimes it doesn't depend on you.
Here in Nicaragua, the people do the same thing, we plan what to do for the well being of our family and ourselves. For that reason the people who don't have work, they look for it; others who have work; they look for another one better in order to get better incomes to support their family; others who have the possibility to study at the university in order to become a professional, they go there; some others who don't have a house, they look for it; other Nicaraguans who came back from United States, Spain, Costa Rica, and other countries for the Christmas Holidays and New Year's vacation, they went back to those countries because they don't have any choice. They have to continue supporting their families here in Nicaragua.
It is sad that you see that some families have to be separated again because that's their destiny. But what can I say, that is the way it is, and I think that the same situation happens in the rest of the world as well.
This year will be very important for the Nicaraguans because this year we will have the Presidential election and the history is the same. The Sandinistas against the Liberales. Daniel Ortega will nominate himself again. He wants to continue being the Nicaraguan president, and the liberals, they don't have a clear candidate yet because all of them want to become a president. There is a guy whose name is Favio Gadea Mantilla. He wants to be nominated for President for the liberales but he won't get enough votes from the leaders of the liberal party. There is another guy, his name is Eduardo Montealegre. He also wants to become President. This guy lost the last election against Daniel. I think that this guy intends to hold together the liberal party but he is dividing it. I think that in this moment Daniel Ortega is taking advantage of this situation, but anyway, that's their problem. I only can say that the person who will be the next president of Nicaragua has to do the right things for the well being of the Nicaraguan population and for the well being of this country.
Well, the old year is gone, the good food, the drinks, and parties are gone, and some members of your family are gone too. So we don't have to continue thinking about that anymore. We have to start working now in order to complete our goals from last year or to reach those goals that we aim for this year because only like that will we feel satisfied again at the end of this year, The only advice that I can give you is to work hard and don't wait for someone else to help you to reach those goals.
Good Luck in 2011.